Strategy of tension

Al Qaeda + "Awakening Councils" = ISIS

I have been working on this post for two, well really three, days now. It's long. But worth reading entirely. In this post-  ISIS- A US created "stay behind" using Iraqs plundered wealth a scenario was presented, to you, explaining how the stolen wealth of Iraq was used by NATO leadership, mostly US/UK, to create ISIS. We recalled the forgiving of odious debt, a request made by the US, which freed up Iraq's wealth to be used & abused, intentionally, under the watchful eye of L.

ISIS- A US created "stay behind" using Iraqs plundered wealth.

If we understand ISIS to be a left behind army, working on behalf of another master, then the application of  pressure on Maliki & the collusion between the Kurds of Iraq and ISIS makes perfect sense.Where or when did ISI/ ISIS/ISIL get started? Note: I am going to call this Left behind army - ISIS from here on in. Because they are one Army broken down in subdivisions like any standard army- top down organization. So ISIS.

How can the US help Maliki when Maliki is the problem- But ISIS isn't?!

ISIS is not the problem so what can be done about Maliki- should be the headline The answer looks to be a planned further destabilization with either a complete removal of Maliki or Maliki as a purposeless leader of a fiefdom.Before you read the information below please read #1- The US Departure from Iraq was all Illusion!And-

Canada's duplicitous deceitful treachery on display. Democracy? In what reality?

Canada's PM made a point of being in attendance at the annointing of the Ukrainian Oligarch/Warlord/Puppet Poroshenko. Canada's government has been falling all over itself to support 'freedom' and the right of some people to choose their own destiny in the Ukraine. But only some people. PM Harper does not  extend this right to NATO's targeted ones. Whether in Syria or Ukraine.