Strategy of tension

Coordinated Sanctions Target Russia's Ability to Tap Oil Reserves including Arctic resources

I have mentioned the control of Arctic resources previously as one of many reasons for the targeting of Russia by NATO.So, it is interesting to note that the sanctions are geared towards prohibiting Russia from accessing it's Arctic resourcesBefore we get to the sanction we are going to FLASHBACK to December 2011. Back more then 2 & 1/2 years ago.... Cause sometimes you have to go back to the future - Pun intended

Timeline: Downing of An-26 supply plane

This is an entirely new post regarding the shoot down of  An-26 supply plane.I spent too much time going through the news this a.m. Going back to when it seems this news first broke? And then looking at what was being reported/covered  even before that event took place.

Timeline begins here:

4-Antifascist separatists surround airport in Lug(h)ansk

Sderot Cinema- Israeli's enjoying the mass killings of Palestinians

People gathering to watch live bombing of Gaza – should make us all uncomfortableSpeaking for myself, I cannot view violence on tell-a-vision or in movies. To sit and watch people being killed in real life, as if it is entertainment, is beyond my moral comprehensionWhat does this tell us about the mindset of Israelis, engaging in such egregious behaviour? 

Hypocrisy alert! Kiev neonazis target LGBT club and the NATO media is silent?

Recall all the Putin bashing, call for boycotts,  by the weaponized LGBT groups around the Olympics- Story after story. The drama queens were out in full force. Some guy dressed like a pink flamingo? Flamin'!The psyop was soooo obvious.  The manipulation? Blatant!Fast forward to Kiev. And a " Terrifying Neo-Nazi Attack on Gay Club in Kyiv"Notice the silence? Notice the double standard?