Strategy of tension

Limited MH-17 Search Has Run It's Course- Nothing to do with fighting, it's done

That's right readers- the LIMITED search has run it's course and  investigators are set to leave as early as tomorrow.The MH-17 investigation seem to be little more then a ruse. A PR show. Or an attempt to gather intel.What it does not appear to be is a thorough investigation.I had previously mentioned the fact that Kiev, rather then call off the fighting in the area, took the opportunity to slaughter civilians and try to take  back territory. Odd behaviour for a government that claims to want just such an investigationRefresh your memory...

The pendulum of the Arab Spring has swung in Israel’s favor......."

 The pendulum of the Arab Spring has swung in Israel's favour. That is not a coincidence. That is long term planningOk, so much for my enforced break. After a lovely day in wine country.....I am back! Continuing on with the situation in the ME. Hope you all listened to that Max Igan interview?During the first hour of the interview Max says something along the line of the Arab Spring changing the scenery for Israel.

RIR- Max Igan- Zionist Terrorism in Gaza

I have updated this post and it now contains the entire two hour interview. A must listen interview!  1- Thanks to Henrik @ RIR 2-Thanks to Max Igan @ his Youtube channel: Uploads from thecrowhouse(This is the first time I had ever heard of Max Igan- so many people out there for me still to find, even after all these years of blogging!)3-And finally thanks to freethinker who let me know the whole show was available