Strategy of tension

James Foley “beheading” fans the war flames-Problem, Reaction, Solution

UPDATED James Foley? James Foley, whatever his situation or affiliations, knew going into a war zone came with potential repercussions. Including death. So...... why all the fuss?Allegedly, so?Problem, Reaction Solution1-Problem- How to sell the justifcation/need for wider war to the masses?Create a ‘beheading” story? Fan it up. Lots of coverage.

Air Corridors & Bogus Humanitariansim as cover for wider war in the Middle East?

BTW- Today's posting follows up on three previous posts concerning Iraq all three are linked here The Yazidi genocide narrative strains credulity- No fly zone by stealth And is also connected to this post?If you have been following along you're good to go!Recall this map?Oil pipeline localeMaps are

James Corbett: The Ebola Effect

 Info packed segment from James Corbett @ The Corbett Report

 Are you worried about the ebola pandemic? Should you be? Is it hype? Real? A false flag? Bioterrorism? A Big Pharma scam? Join James today on The Corbett Report podcast as he peels back the layers of the ebola onion and exposes the pandemic endgame.

Before I get to my latest thesis ( that means it will be lengthy) on ISIS/Iraq etc.

Baghdad Coup attempt? Kerry dictates to Maliki & the Iraqis- Comply or else!

I am going to begin this post by reminding everyone, because it needs to be kept in mind, that Nouri al Maliki won the Iraqi election. Fair and square. And overwhelmingly so.  This was the first election not held under full US occupation.And, Maliki won.  The US/UK/Israeli/NATO war machine then wound up their Islamist jihadi soldiers and began to destabilize with the plan of wielding those final death blows to the nation of Iraq as we know it.

Ominous for Lebanon- Saad Harriri, son of Rafik, returns

Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri, considered Lebanon’s most influential (?) Sunni Muslim  politician, returned unexpectedly to Lebanon on Friday after three years of self-imposed exile. Mr. Hariri’s return is being seen as a bid to reassert his leadership over Lebanon’s Sunni community amid growing concern that many Sunnis are being radicalized by the war in Syria. Mr. Hariri, above, left Lebanon in 2011 after his government was toppled by a coalition that included the Shiite militia Hezbollah.