Strategy of tension

Remember " War against Iraq, Syria & Iran? " ISIS wants Saudi Arabia?

I am packing a heck of a lot of info into this post! It has to be done. Sit down for a spell and read.The US strikes ISIS oil targets? Lots of news outlets presenting the US air strikes as strikes on ISIS assets.. Let’s be straight on this. These aren’t ISIS oil assets. These are Syria’s oil assets.And there is no doubt in my mind that ISIS ‘took over’ these oil assets so the US could take these same oil assets out! Recall this?War against Iran, Iraq and Syria?

US/Israel & GCC nations strike Syria- Khorasan and Updates

This post is a work in progress. Check back for updates because they are forthcoming!The news this morning, broke my heart. My husband read to me as I prepped food in the kitchen and he said “The US is bombing Syria” and I said “No!”  Hightailed it towards the computer and there were the reports. I knew it was coming... But the knowing didn’t lessen my sadness and disgustAs I wrote for readers here, Saturday September 20/14 in this post

Moving the goal post- Attacking ISIS. Attacking Syria- US training ISIS!

Of course, attacking Syria was always the real goal.  The ISIS illusion was just the smoke and mirrors to justify the initiating actions. Today we can really get a sense of the goal posts being moved. Or the smoke clearing? Whichever?Memes or mind viruses that have already invaded your consciousness are being reactivated1-Syria & chemical weapons

A Monroe Doctrine for NATO

The 19th-century strategy provides a model for how to protect Ukraine and other vulnerable statesUncle Sam carrying his big stick- for head bashin'Took some time to read up on the Monroe doctrine- which by all appearances looked to be a way the US controlled/dominated all of South America- Using NATO as a very big stick, a global tyrannical army, this "Monroe Doctrine" looks to be an agenda for controlling/dom

"Beheading" video- ISIS beheads UK "hostage" David Haines

Ok, I can't pass this shit up- It's way toooo theatre of the absurdAnother beheading video- but, nothing is shown. Went back to get it off of You Tube and it's gone!!(if you see it, leave a link?)This video is  so formulaic. But, not credible. Other then from a catapulting the propaganda point of view?The first video I viewed didn't show the decapitated head prop at the end.

Gnostic Media presents “9/11 & Cyclical, Fear-Based Mind Control in the Media”

I haven't even got through this entirely, yet. Based on what I have heard so far, the interview simply begs to be posted, immediately. So far, so excellent. Readers here know I am big, very big on pointing out how we are perception managed via the corporate, warmongering media.Thanks to Jan @ Gnostic Media always linked in the sidebar to the right

Lavrov: West may use ISIS as pretext to bomb Syria and Obama speech prime time

There is a reason I like Mr Lavrov- Lavrov: West may use ISIS as pretext to bomb Syrian govt forcesThe West absolutely is using ISIS as a pretext to justify bombing Syria's army and it's sovereign territory- You have all been reading that from me for a while now. Same as they used ISIS as a pretext for regime change in Iraq...Sergei LavrovFlashback! August 28/14- ISIS = Smoke & Mirrors.

Patrick Henningsen- ISIS Crisis & Israel’s Strategy via Red Ice Radio

 Patrick Henningsen is an independent journalist and founder of 21st Century Wire, an independent media voice for geopolitical news and analysis. Patrick returns to discuss the ISIS crisis. He’ll talk about who is funding the crisis and how recruitment is done. Does ISIS pose a threat? Patrick explains how ISIS did not come from Syria. We’ll also discuss what Israel wants out of the Syrian situation. Later, we’ll speak about the beheading of James Foley and how social media is being used as a pretext to go to war.