Strategy of tension

Libya: JTF-2, Parliament Hill shooter Bibeau/Zaheff & Father Be(u)lgasem Zaheff

Are you a betting person? What would you think would be the odds that the players on Parliament Hill, the day of the shooting, had all spent time in Libya. At the time of the NATO bombings.Curious, isn't it? I wanted to let this whole Parliament Hill shooting go. I really did! It's exhausting. But, I cannot without getting this all out of my system, so to speakThe presence of JTF-2 on Parliament Hill? As I have already explained JTF-2 is a counter terror/special ops outfit.

Parliament Hill Shooting- Toyota Tall Tales & Authorities Run Drills depicting similar "ISIS attacks"

Today has been non stop coverage of this incident. Everywhere. TV. Radio.The only way to get away is to avoid all media. Particularly twitter. I hear talk of all these hashtags.Anyway.... this all started a couple of days back when news of the incident first broke.If by some bizarre chance you managed to escape the non-stop coverage, everywhere.... you can start here

Kiev Missile(s) Fire on Chemical Plant in Donetsk ? Ceasefire breach

Also“I was approaching my apartment building, when I heard a strong explosion,” another local resident, Irina, told RT. “Thing is that for the past two weeks there has been non-stop shelling day and night – we are used to that. But today there was that was such a strong blast that I have not heard before. I even sat down on the ground, probably, because of the blast power and from fright.” RTA huge blast has rocked a chemical factory in Donetsk in eastern Ukraine, the city council says on its website.

Glenn Close raised in a cult?! The Moral re-armament cult?In her own words...

Glenn Close- Raised in a Cult. Celebrity news is not my norm, however, this caught my eye!Perhaps this cult upbringing explains why she has a male name?Glenn's father, a doctor? A CIA doctor? Entirely possible. In fact I would say, definitely! She claims she was able to "break free" from cult indoctrination at 22, but, doesn't say how she managed what must have been a difficult process. She just "calmly walked away" Doubtful.The scoop-

Oil Wars? US/Saudi Arabia vs Russia/Iran

Before we discuss the ‘global oil war’, we need to get some basics down- Bear with me on this, ok? I’ve been thinking about this for most of the day...Oil Wars The US dollar is on the rise. What affect does the increasing US dollar have on oil prices?  How does the increasing US dollar value make it easier for the US, aided by Saudi Arabia, to wage a global oil price war?

An explosion, bombing or fire at Parchin, Iran. Was Israel involved?

I am qualifying my post by stating- What exactly happened is very unclear!  This incident may or may not have occured as Israeli media is suggesting.  Accidental? Intentional? Fire? Explosion? Bombing?  Can’t be sure. Whichever the case, for the reason of timing alone, this news is curious.The UN show. Ongoing P5+1 talks. And the situation on the northern border of Syria.P5+1