Strategy of tension

Psychopaths to run country after Armageddon? Clearly Armageddon has passed.

Because most of the political leadership, globally appears to be psychopathic.No moral code- Check!No feelings- Check!No moral code- Check! No empathy- Check!My bad, I sad no moral code twice. Oh, dear me. Obviously the elites have no moral code. Look at the wars they wage? The elite child molestation rings?

Africa- Past and Present: AIDS, Banksters, CIA, CULTS, EBOLA & Hollywood

Ebola- It's been in the news lately In case you haven't noticed?AIDS - Also originated in Africa. Allegedly?CIA - A continuing evil in the worldCULTS: make me think of CIA/MKultraBanksters- Same as the CIAHollyweird- Managing your perception. Always. In cahoots with CIA and Banksters.Using Glenn Close, the actress, as our starting point and going full steam from there !Recall William T Close?-  We met William T Close in this post- Glenn Close raised in a cult?!

Russia lives in an Alternative Reality?- CNN (provider of alternative reality for the masses)

A follow up to this post:  Wednesday, October 15, 2014 : Oil Wars? US/Saudi Arabia vs Russia/IranIt's as if the US is wanting to drag the entire globe down even further then they did already with their mortgage backed security scam? More than half of Russia's revenue comes from oil.   LONDON (CNNMoney)

James Bond (Bankster) & the Killer Bag Lady? CIA/Bankers/Mkultra

 CIA/Bankers/MkultraThose three things belong together. Those three things are kinda' the same ... and now it's time to play the game!  What do these three things have in common?Answer: Together they form the basis for much of the Military/Industrial/Terror/ Banking ComplexState sponsored terror, patsies dupes and useful idiots, lots of graft, war and big profits.Of course we are supposed to believe that the mkultra program went away... Personally, it would seem to me that it never did.

John Kerry in Canada:“Solidarity” Shooter video? Anti terror laws. CSIS = CIA

Canada/US solidarity in more ways then oneSolidarity is key, because NATO leader (US) and NATO toady (Canada) are joined in solidarity to expand/commit and justify global terror. Therefore solidarity would be a priority.Of course, it’s just good timing that  Kerry was previously scheduled, (“planned trip”) to visit Canada  for “bilateral meetings’. Gives him the chance to personally express his condolences.....