Strategy of tension

Ukraine: An Impending Coup & Military Dictatorship?

Around September of this year I started to pick up bits and pieces of information in varying media accounts that led me to believe that there will be yet another regime change in Ukraine. This one will be another western backed coup same as the first one that forced out Yanukovych.  But, instead of the pretense of 'democracy' we will be looking at a full fledged fascist military coup backed by the Oligarchs- You know who these people are?

NATO's Secret Armies in Europe; Interview with Daniel Ganser

"This week on SOTT Talk Radio we're discussing the biggest story never told in modern Europe: NATO’s secret warfare against European civilians. Proxy wars, false-flag terrorism, assassinations, economic warfare, color revolutions, interfering in elections... it's no secret that the U.S. establishment has done all that (and more) through its application of a psychopathic 'strategy of tension' around the world since the Second World War.What is not generally known is that such 'secret warfare' was also taking place in Europe.

Fort Carson Troops Will Deploy to Ukraine?

Surely looks to me that the US/NATO war machine is looking for war. Not peace. WAR.How else to explain more American soldiers going to the Ukraine?  Fort Carson is located near Colorado Springs ( I had to look that up) It appears to be a long term move, or at the very least, there appears to be no end date for this deployment. Will more soldiers be sent at a later date? What’s going on?

ISIS Supplying Half of all Afghan Heroin Entering Europe

Interesting? Russia is making this claim and of course that means it is to be ridiculed.But, knowing the history of drug running, CIA and the funding black ops I can't see how this can be dismissed or derided.Bearing in mind that by all appearances ISIS seems to be NATO covert army.The ability for it to move mass quantities of heroin from Afghanistan (occupied largely by the US under that giant NATO umbrella) to fund it's operations at an arms length seems in keeping with other sordid episodes in hi

Pt.2- Kurd/ ISIS Symbiosis- The impending destruction of Turkey

Double Cross -to betray or swindle, esp. by an action contrary to an agreed upon course.I suspect Turkey is in the process of being double crossed- And, I believe Erdogan is aware of this.We have seen this type of double cross on more then one occasion. Libya had attempted to cooperate with the US only to be betrayed and Gaddafi brutally killed.