Strategy of tension

Eulex Report Exposes EU's Complete and Total Failure in Kosovo

Kosovo- Is a criminal state.Kosovo was mentioned just the other day, here at the blog, in the post: Serbian President’s Plane takes Harrowing Plunge- US concerns about Serbian/Russian Cooperation?You're supposed to believe the EU 'failed' to reign in the corruption.  This claim of failure is the same as the blowback meme- Hollow words. Devoid of meaning.

Sales of US (and British) Arms FUEL the Arab State Wars

First a bit of a rant:As has been said previously, if not ISIS, the western warmongering nations will simply create/conjure some other 'terror' group/enemy to justify the very actions they themselves have already planned for. One very strong motivation to create the conditions for near endless war is of course, the generation of profits for the military, industrial, oil, banking complex.That obvious, goes without needing to be said, FACT, is made abundantly clear in the article below: Sales of US arms fuels the wars of Arab states via CNBCIt's

Adam Osmayev- yet another curious Chechen...

Chechens & Chechnya?For some reason the western narrative concerning Chechens gives me a 'Kurdish' vibe... Complete with a mythologizing that is over the top. And of course always accompanied by calls for respecting their human rights and right to self determination. The NATO nations talk a good talk, but, do nothing of the sort in reality.

Je Suis Valentina? Neo Nazi lovin TO Symphony Bans Pianist for Exercising Free Speech

If Ukrainian-born pianist Valentina Lisitsa had been 'tweeting' about big bad Russia, paraphrasing the usual spoon fed drivel/propaganda/ perception management promoted by our war mongering media, she would be playing with the Totalitarian (Toronto) SymphonyHowever, the Totalitarian (Toronto) Symphony, living up to it's correct name, has banned her from performing-What a disgrace! 

IS enters Palestinian camp in Damascus, Jordan closes border

 I will highlight an interesting couple of sentences near the end...How accurate this reporting is, I'm not sure. It seems entirely plausible. Haven't delved into it deeply enough, but the last paragraph just flabbergasted me! How could the tool at the Guardian write that sentence with a straight face? Seriously.

Netanyahu's win- By hook or Crook? Clearly crookedness prevailed

Look at some of the headlines today regarding Netanyahu's win?Come from behind- Stunning- St Patrick's Day Miracle?   It's pretty clear the fix is in!!  Netanyahu was needed, in power, for the war agenda & he unsurprisingly remains in power- Sure looks like a stolen election to me! Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud surges to stunning win

Former CSIS Official, Now Private Security Consultant, Predicts Canadian 9/11 Moment, 2015

Not happy about that kind of statement, not in the least! What does a private security consultant, who stands to profit so handsomely from Canada’s so called “anti-terror” bill, really mean when he make a statement about Canada having a 9/11 moment this year? In 2015. Is he pushing the fear button? Is he threatening? In a veiled fashion?