Strategy of tension

Is the US Complicit in Ethnic Cleansing in Syria? Yes, Obviously!

The obvious and only answer is YES!Yes the US is complicit in the ethnic cleansing going on right now in Syria. I of course wouldn’t limit it to just this one incident.  In order to be complicit, choosing to be involved in an illegal or questionable act, especially with others; having complicity, the US needs partner in crime.

Kurds Worried War Crimes Accusations Could Ruin Their Image

 Post has been updated- scroll down for info!That is an actual headline to one of the articles I will link below!Note to Kurds in Iraq and Syria: Worried about your image? Don't commit war crimes!I think their image was ruined way back when they mass killed, raped and stole Assyrian property? Maybe that's just me? Perception is everything in this world.  Dam the facts all to hell!I however prefer facts to spin. We're going for facts today!

Pt-3: Destabilizing Turkey. Pre- Election Bombing/Explosion at Kurdish Rally

Explosion at a large Kurdish rally, immediately before day election day. Divide and Conquer:  Cui Bono? Certainly not Erdogan or the party he leads.So, who might have planted the explosive devices? I don't rule out the power grabbing Kurds , on their own, or partnered with Israeli allies! This works in  their favour, of course. Garnering sympathy for the 'people without a country' It could also be any associated NATO special operative? Kurds included here again.

As the lines between KurdIShIS blur- Who burned 1,000's of Arab homes in Syria?

Kurds committing ethnic cleansing:  Thousands of Arab homes have been burned in Hasakah Province, Syria.Since the Kurds have been there and done that previously, as posted, I for one am not surprisedHow about others who have been reading here?  Also wondering how many of these were Assyrian Christian homes?