Strategy of tension

Turkey To Talk Refugee Return with Damascus? Possible Turkish Operation in Syria’s East?

Basically Turkey wants the Usrael/France backed PKK/YPG away from their border. Or Cavusoglu is saying that Turkey is ‘determined to carry out an operation east of the Euphrates.....” For all intents and purposes, per the Astana agreement, there is a buffer zone existing in Idlib- agreed to between Turkey, Iran and Russia. There are the areas along the Syrian border held by Turkey, enabled by Russia, in the area of Afrin as well as al Bab.

U.S. "Bipartisan" Bill to Create a NEW ORDER/REMAKE in Eastern Mediterranean?

How long is it the Eastern Mediterranean has been discussed here at PFYT's?Years and years... So, if you've been following along with the pipeline LNG and the whose in and out game, you'll at least be minimally aware of what's probably going on in this area.Connected to Syria. Turkey. Greece. Cyprus. Russia. Egypt.