Strategy of tension

Turkey: Creating "Safe Zones", Fighting for it's Survival, Turkey's letter to UN

 And not attempting an expansion?Reiterating:Turkey by all appearances is defending it's borders.Turkey targeted brand ISIS from it's own airspace- Without entering Syrian airspace.Question # 1: Why didn't/hasn't Turkey enter Syrian airspace?  Is it because the US and company are in Syrian airspace?

Turkey: Jets Target "ISIS", Mass Arrests inc. PKK. Kurds Continue Their Ethnic Cleansing

 Keep in mind that ISIS/Kurds are KurdIShIS. They are the 'good cop/bad cop' show in action.Kurds/good- ISIS/bad as always presented via the war mongering media. Though both parties have the same goal- Destabilization. Order out of Chaos And at the highest levels both sides of the dialectic are protected under the mass global NATO umbrella, which includes Israeli interests.That is my perspective in it's simplest form- realizing it isn't that simple- but breaking it down for ease of understanding why the term KurdIShIS is used here.

Kurdish/Israeli Ties: Lobbying, Expansion and Ethnic Cleansing

I've been working on this one for a bit- It's long, but, if I could do the research and type it up- You can read it :)   One of many pet projects at the blog- The  Kurds and the creation of a Kurdish state.So similar in it’s roots to the creation of Israel. One has to delve more then superficially into this area to make the connections. Many don’t want to.

"In Mesopotamia, Balkanization...." Krauthammer loves Kurds & War

Neocon Krauthammer lays out the balkanization plan as if it's all inevitable. Just a natural progression of things. Happenstance. Rather then the reality that this balkanization was planned. That he and his ilk did everything possible to make this happen.Ordinary people have no interest in war- Much "encouragement" is needed to get them to participate.