Strategy of tension

The ISIS Threat to Turkey? It's serious. Destabilizing Turkey continues apace!

The ISIS Threat to Turkey

Islamic State last week released a new video calling for a jihadist front in Turkey and encouraged Turks to “conquer Istanbul” and return the country to “true Islam”  

-Turkey was accused of offering direct or indirect help to Islamic State fighters in Iraq and Syria.  

-Turkey was also accused of not preventing the transport of supplies for IS leader  

The "Heroic" Kurds: Syrian Kurds- The Pressure and the Penalties

Syrian Kurds: The Pressure and the PenaltiesDedicated to those who just can’t face facts when it comes to the the reality vs the mythos of the Kurdish people. The illusion of unity. The tyranny of PYD & PKK. And of course the NATO strong arm that allows for the subjugation of persons who had it better under the Assad government. 

ISIS/Kurd Symbiosis: Conquer Istanbul/PKK Declares Autonomy Zone & US Silent

I've given up counting how many times the tag team of NATO backed Kurdish militias and NATO backed ISIS fighters have worked together to achieve the destabilization of a nation.  Iraq. Syria. Now we can see that partnership is moving onto Turkey. For that destabilization of Turkey my readers have known was coming since last year!

Western Media's Absolute Hypocrisy In Covering Kurdish Militancy

Don’t know who this author is? Never read or saw his work previously. However, it was so refreshing to read someone else speak of the EXACT same problems/issues with the endless promotion of the Kurdish militias as some sort of mythological warriors with extraordinary prowess and virtue- It’s a bullshit meme, I’ve grown long tired of !Middle East Eye: