Strategy of tension

Israel: Refugees not our problem -We make’em & You take’em!

Double Standard: a rule or principle that is unfairly applied in different ways to different people or groups. Netanyahu can’t take refugees- Israel can’t take refugees. Israel can surely create millions of refugees! Israel expects everyone else to take refugees. Sweet deal for expansionist Israel. No?Israeli National News

“Boy on a Beach” Narrative Riddled with Inconsistencies & Agenda Pushing

Here’s hoping the buzz has  worn off on this latest perception management tale enough to state these facts without trolls and dupes appearing. I am always, always, highly suspicious of agendas being pushed when I witness such overwrought, overly dramatic heart string tugging narratives being woven.

VICE 'journalists'- Journalists as Spooks: Same old, same old

Journalists as Spooks- Nothing new under the sun. Nothing!The VICE 'journalists' are spooks. As sure as so many other spook/journalists I have blogged on here. Marie Colvin comes to mind... There is another fellow whose name escapes me at the moment who was also mentioned here on more then one occasion. Pictures of him posing with the Libyan "rebels" who transferred to Syria....  Paul Conroy was his name!! (h/t Mr Mustard for assisting in recollecting)

Did “ISIS” Completely Destroy Palmyra Temple?

It’s certainly questionable.  NO, I don’t believe the lying, war mongering/whoring/child abusing  UN. Nor do I take their ‘satellite’ imagery as gospel. Satellite imagery can be fudged. Example: Did US Fake Satellite Images to Show Russia Shelled Eastern Ukraine?The UN bolstering the claim of an alleged 'global terror group' ?

Two Vice News journalists arrested in Turkey

Vice is a scummy NATO backed lying "media" outfit. And no better friend to the biggest THEOCRATIC state in the M/E: Israel. Controlled opposition is the least of it's sins. Brain washing/poisoning the minds of younger dupes is it's worst You just know this pair was up to no dam good! What with them hanging with NATO's Al Nusra at Golan.

British forces hunt for Jihadi John in ‘combat burqas’ - SAS as ISIS, again!

And now onto today's pièce de résistance!: British Forces "hunt" for Jihadi John in "Combat Burqas" Hopefully you all recall the news  from August 1/15 , of British SAS Forces posing as ISIS?  SAS dress as ISIS fighters in undercover war on jihadis- Humour?!Get a load of this latest news!

Mystery man in Bangkok bomb probe 'never said a word'

Notice the war mongering media is working very hard to connect the Bangkok bombing to Turkey? Why would that be? Facetious.It's obvious why! Is Turkey Heading to Partition? American Enterprise Institute  In reality there is nothing concrete linking Turks, Erdogan, Ottomans or anything else to this bombing- Despite media and gatekeeper spin. Read on! Toronto Star

Is Turkey Heading to Partition? American Enterprise Institute

Well, well, well. So let’s see I’ve been prognosticating the destabilization/destruction of Turkey for how long now? I had dropped hints through out the blog on many an occasion. But then finally in November 2014 I started solidifying my theoryFlashback  nearly 10 months ago:

Kurd/ ISIS Symbiosis- The impending destruction of Turkey

Followed immediately by: