Strategy of tension

Mike Whitney- Obfuscating for NATO, AGAIN! Turkey to 'annex' Syria?

This is the second time Mike Whitney has written a piece that is picked up everywhere and is obfuscation, transference (propaganda technique- simply put: This technique involves making an illogical association between one thing and something else that is generally viewed as positive or negative. ) and full of loaded words etcWhere is Mike Whitney as the Kurds annex Syria? Or since that is NATO approved, does Mike Whitney stay silent or obfuscate that NATO approved move?

For Vladimir Putin, what's at stake in Metrojet investigation??

One of the many reasons for the NATO media alleging ISIS  downed the Russian plane, was to put political pressure on Putin in Russia. And also while at the Vienna talks (ht james)  And further, to manipulate the gullible dupe masses in the west. Reinforcing the fear. Great for trauma based mass manipulation.Before we get to CNN gloating- Let's recall something previously mentioned here?The US & company repeatedly informed anyone who would listen that Russia wasn't targeting ISIS!

New Allies in Northern Syria don't share US goals? McClatchy Obfuscates

Keep in mind that claims of ‘unintended consequences/implications’ are subterfuge, plain and simple as you read this McClatchy article:

Full Definition of SUBTERFUGE1:  deception by artifice or strategem in order to conceal, escape, or evade2:  a deceptive device or stratagem

Get ready to wring your hands and fret:

Tony Blair Admits Iraq War Gave Birth to ISIS!

Why, yes, the utterly unnecessary, illegal, immoral, criminal and inhumane war did indeed "birth ISIS".  By design.  As intended.  Not incompetence. Not blow back. Mr Blair should  not be walking freely on the planet to wreak yet more havoc. Sadly, he is. (Middle East Peace Envoy? Now resigned) & Tony Blair- War Criminal & Carbon ProfiteerIn 2009- Tony Blair stated.