Strategy of tension

F William Engdahl: Russian Roulette/ Erdogan's Oily Revenge?

Mr Engdahl address's the all to convenient narrative of framing/blaming Erdogan regarding the shoot down of the Russian jet- When it just isn't that simple! As he makes clear. Many players buying that oil- Many NATO partners involved- Turkey being a NATO nation. Japan and Israel both being tied into the NATO tyranny.

A Sober Look at the West’s Kurdish Allies. As Opposed to the Alcohol Idiocy...

 AIII've gotten to read in so many spaces- Superficial. Dependent on main stream media spoon fed memes and willing to abuse others.Dedicated to all the 'cheerleaders' for NATO's Kurdish Sunni Muslim jihadis! Witting and duped.When I said, the PKK functions as a stay behind army- keeping Turkey always on guard?And got responses like 'ha ha ha'?

US acknowledges Civilian Deaths in Iraq

This is such an unusual admission! So much so that BBC acknowledges that curiosity TWICE in this linked article:US air strike on IS in Iraq 'killed civilians'Before reading below I have to ask  you is the US admitting to the killing of civilians to justify boots on the ground? That's the first thought that comes to mind, but, I am sure there has to be more??- Still playing up the airstrikes can be used to sell the need for boots, spinning, it as more humane. Though it won't be.

Paris Attacks- Cui Bono? Think NATO's Secret Armies AKA Gladio!

First thing that popped into my head- Not going to waste too much time on the Paris attack for the most obvious reason. When we  consider the history of NATO's terror armies- Created after WW2-  We should all realize that this organization has proved it's worth in terrorizing populations and there is NO reason what so ever  to assume that this extremely effective & deadly force ever ceased to exist. But worse, as if the thought of this terror army in Europe was not horrific enough, we have to seriously consider that NATO had actually expanded their 'stay behinds', globally.

Sinjar: Creating a Crucial Supply Route for KurdIShIS & Annexing Iraqi Territory

This is about redrawing the borders of the middle east- Weakening certain states. Strengthening others. This is about ethnic cleansing. Displacing persons. You want simple narratives? The war mongering  media and plenty of other so called alt media sites will spoon feed you all the drivel you can stomache.I am way past believing there is any real fight between the alphabet Kurds and ISIS.Both brands are getting their support, munitions, arms and everything else from NATO/US/Israel.