Strategy of tension

What’s Behind the Iraq/Turkey/ Mosul Spat? Mosul is still today in Iraq!

I’ve continued to look for more information on Mosul. Which is still in Iraq as of  today!Knowing the situation was vastly more complex then the simplistic tossing around of  memes such as ‘Sunnistan’, Neo-ottanism and the ‘sultan’ kept me digging for something of substance.Not saying the article I’m linking below is the final word on the subject of what’s really going on in Mosul. Certainly not. Rather the article provides us a broader, more realistic look at the situation.Someone here had mentioned the name Fidan and left some info. Very interesting man.

NATO Stay Behind Armies: Gladio and Grey Wolves. Updated

Hat tip to  anonymous linkie person and Silver Palomino-   Both of whom enlightened me to the presence & involvement of the Grey Wolves in more then one geostrategically important situation.  Clearly this organization is not specifically affiliated with the nation state of Turkey. Nor are they Erdogan’s Grey Wolves ? Rather they appear to belong to the string pullers above the nation state. The intertwining global intelligence/military apparatus. Mostly run and sheltered under, what I like to call that big black NATO umbrella. Anonymous December 10, 2015 at 10:38 AM

Jay Dyer/Catherine Austin Fitts: Systemic Corruption

Former Asst. Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts joined me to discuss the systemic corruption that plagues the U.S. economic sphere. From the black budget to Enron to BCCI and the bailout, Fitts deconstructs how exactly we got into the mess we're in, including the tie-ins of black markets. In an unparalleled way, Fitts' breakdown is easy to grasp and demonstrates a coordinated plan to extract wealth on a mass scale for secret technology. This is a must-hear interview.

The Weapon of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement, Coercion & Foreign Policy

 h/t friend of the blog!This is a must listen lecture- Absolutely a must listen! In fact, listen to it twice. That's how many times I listened last week! But as you absorb the info take note of what is not really mentioned? This woman doesn't mention that NATO is using forced displacement and coercion on a global level at this time.