Strategy of tension

US Demands Damascus Negotiate With Kurdish Occupiers/Annexers of Syria/Syrian Territory

It is the US making demands of Damascus through it’s Kurdish proxies. The reality of this fact is made obvious to all by the presence of US Coalition Representatives standing alongside the SDF as the demand is made.Brigadier General Nicholas Pond of the US-led coalition speaks at the first annual conference of the SDF in Syria’s northeast city of Hasakah, Aug. 24, 2019.Kurdistan24

Idlib Convoy Airstrike Won’t Rattle Turkish Russian Cooperation & "Chimerical "Attack in Ghouta?

 Finally back to Syria, keeping in mind the first casualty of war is always truth. Of course I saw all the media coverage regarding this most recent incident in Idlib  province and have a bunch of news items bookmarked. They'll be included throughout this report.  Still, I  prefer to tread carefully when addressing this news for the simple fact that there is a perception managing  media agenda that tends to promote specific ideas as follows:

Turkey & U.S. Disagree On Safe Zone- Because There is NO Agreement.

 What??? They disagree. Why, I thought there was an agreement in place??? Peace Corridor and other gibberish.  That's what the 5/6 eyes media was reporting. Alt and msm.As reported here..... There is NO Agreement on a US/Turkish “safe zone” in SyriaOr, to Quote M. K. BHADRAKUMAR who calls the statement a "read out".