Strategy of tension

"Kurds Gear Up for Major Offensive Against ISIS" aka Annexing Syrian Territory

Love the lying  Haaretz headline. The NATO backed Kurdish militias alongside NATO special ops are making their move to annex Syrian territory- Period. There is not and never has been anything but  perverted war theatrics between Kurds and ISIS-  Yes, people die. People always die when a political agenda is being undertaken. I’ve said it repeatedly and I will say it again- Not caring what lies others want to believe. Choosing instead to see what is happening right in plain site. Annexation of Syrian and Iraqi territory.

The YPG-PKK Connection- Erdogan & Ocalan Had Agreed on Autonomy for Kurds in Turkey

 Prior to the PKK suddenly ending the ceasefire!Cause Turkey ain't talkin' trash when it's elected government speaks of the ties between PKK and YPG. Erdogan thought he was playing in the big leagues. Turkey being a NATO member. Erdogan forgot Turkey is a member of NATO out of convenience and nothing more.Btw: this wouldn't be the first time the US double crossed Turkey-  Turkey wanted reassurances way back, when the US attacked Iraq.

US/NATO War Expansion- Special Ops to Airbase-AWACS and more

Points covered in previous post: Syria:NO Peace Talks- US to Intensify ISIS "fight" & Israel wants a Kurdish State*Still doubting the Geneva talks will take place-*Israel’s call for a so called “kurdish state” should’ve come as no surprise to anyone that reads here* Israel and Sunni Muslims have long been allied and Kurds are largely Sunni Muslims.

Canadian Filming the Liberation of Kurdish Syria? Fabricating History

Kurdish Syria?  Never existed!  The “Kurdish Syria” of this documentary  is devoid of Arabs, Assyrians & Armenians.  But ethnic cleansing doesn’t matter when it’s a NATO operation.The reality of what has been happening in Syria- The ANNEXATION by FORCE of Syria’s territory is never mentioned in NATO media.

Three Cheers for the PKK?

Some background info on the PKK- which includes YPG and their newly formed Yazidi militiasAll that ability to expand their terrorist network and ways- How do they do it?!From the "Project on Violent Conflict"- Homeland Security AffilliateI suppose this is the place where the accomplishments of state sponsored terrorism are gauged?An excerpt: Highlights: