Strategy of tension

ISIS Registration Forms Leaked, 22,000 Terrorists Named, Inc. Canadians & Americans

Those Canadians undoubtedly recruited by CSIS.....Conveniently the breaking news bolsters numerous official narratives.1-Framing Turkey- Check!2- ISIS works hand in hand with Syrian Government-Check!3- Finger Pointing at Iraq .ISIS heading back to Iraq (Going home)- Check! Particularly worrisome when we keep getting the Mosul Dam catastrophe news..

More Contrived Grass Roots/ Petition Signing Opposition to Turkey- Zaman/Gulen/CIA

My oh my. It's funny to watch (as in humorous) the NATO alt media outing themselves in their push for regime change in Turkey.  Stumbled across this today: Kick Turkey out of NATOYou see there is a petition at demanding the suspension of Turkey from NATO. Yah, because NATO is such an "honourable auspicious organization" So revered globally. Me being obnoxiously facetious.

Mosul Dam Set to Fail- Intentional Take Down? Disaster Capitalism to the Extreme?

More then a million could die? How large a displacement of the populace are we really talkin?Ethnic cleansing to the extreme? I wouldn't discount it, that's for sure.Since when do war makers and imperialists concern themselves with the puny little lives of the masses? They can use them and abuse them. That's just reality. When psychopaths rule the world.And we allow it to go on.The very latestItaly's Trevi Signs Deal to Repair Mosul Dam After U.S. Warning

Vladimir Putin, Godfather of Kurdistan? Not a Parent of Kurdistan?

Brief but necessary ramblings:Russia has sold Syria’s sovereignty down the river. As the US long did.Both the US and Russia claim Syrian sovereignty is non negotiable. Both are lying. Would everyone feel better if I said- misleading?  Russia jumped into the Syrian fracas to block a split, a complete split, or a balkanization.  Pushing for some type of federated Syria instead of the US fracture. Speaking for myself, I wanted Syria to remain the nation that stole my heart.

Russia’s UN Resolution Demanding an End to ANY actions that Undermine Syrian Sovereignty- Rejected

Let’s talk about the resolution proposed at the security council by Russia- The resolution, according to msm and alt media, that had everything to do with Turkey. And yet Turkey wasn’t even mentioned. Not named. Not cited. Nadda, nothing! Gee, I would think if this was about Turkey, Turkey would have been specifically mentioned? So, what gives?