Strategy of tension

Kurds “Intercept” a Confidential Letter from the Elusive Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi- ISIS to Libya

Saved this a couple of days ago- It made me laugh and laugh   Yup, those plucky Kurdish militias just so happen to intercept a "confidential" letter from the "elusive" Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi.  They are the only super hero/good guys that could possibly have pulled of such a daring feat of braveryIn case you’re unaware of exactly what I think of Al Baghdadi...Read this post  dated July 7/2014 :

The forgotten child soldiers recruited by Kurdish militants in Turkey and Syria

Not forgotten here. Not forgotten by myself or my readers.Conveniently forgotten by all the Kurdish militant cheerleaders in the western media.Main stream and the so called alternatives. Yup, certainly a curious commonality ISIS and Kurdish militants share. Recruiting children and brainwashing them.  Kidnapping them from their families. How many news articles are posted here about that horrid abuse? I've lost count.And still I read the same sick mind viruses over and over- Secular Kurds. Best fighters on the ground. Promoters of equality.

Israeli Woman having “consensual” sex with Palestinian Minor- Lied about Rape.

This false rape claim brings up many hot button topics on it's own. However the fact that this occurred in Israel, making the situation even more politically charged, adds an extra problematic layer to this situation.Let’s talk about the many problems with the story posted below1- The alleged ‘rape’ victim lied. A jewish Israeli women- False rape claim 2- The family of the alleged victim- Liars- Jewish Israelis 3- No charges against alleged victim or family (Jewish Israelis) for lying to the police and courts.

Syrian Kurds Keep Fleeing Syrians Out of Annexed Syrian Territory!

Just the facts, bearing in mind I don't cheer for terrorists , nor do I support the annexation of Syrian territory-  whether it's done by Israel or by PKK/YPG KurdsReuters- Civilians fleeing an Islamic State offensive in northwestern Syria have been prevented by Syrian Kurdish authorities from entering areas under their control - Civilians have been fleeing fighting between Syrian rebels and the Islamic State group that advanced into the opposition-held town of Marea- The United Nations has express

NATO Backed Kurds Move on Mosul- Canadians and/or Americans on Frontlines?

Going long-US or Canadian Forces Believed to Be Fighting Near Mosul, IraqLet’s start by talking about the US or Canadians on the front lines, alongside Kurdish militia/terrorists including PKK/YPG etc., moving towards the main city of Mosul- An offensive that began today- Sunday morning in Iraq.  Iraq is 7 hours ahead of eastern standard time. (Keep that in mind)

Leafletting Mosul Ahead of Annexation Operations- Coordinating with Raqqa?

 With Iraqi forces occupied/distracted in Fallujah. This is absolutely the perfect time to move on Mosul- For annexing Iraqi territory for Kurdistan aka Israel 2.0. As I'd mentioned previously it would be a feather in the cap for Barak Obama.  To triumphantly announce the defeat of "ISIS" before he leaves the White House. Wowee! Of course we are coming up on the two year 'anniversary' of ISIS taking Mosul. To take it back from the dastardly bad guys in just two years? That would be so sweet- such a propaganda coup