Strategy of tension

ISIS Attacks? Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Sisi, the PKK and more

Got to clear my bookmarks back log !!! - As if that could ever really happen- hehehe..Here’s some tidbits I’ve had saved:I've updated the post to cover news about a reported suicide bombing targeting Syrian soldier in Aleppo- Scroll downThe Islamic State just made a potentially disastrous mistake- That just happens to work in favour of the NATO- US/Israel agenda

Christians Complain As Kurds Seize Land : Occuring in Iraq and Syria

The Kurd land seizure of Christian lands.. So reminiscent of their besties in IsraelAnd this is not taking place in territory governed solely by the KRGI’ve covered the Kurdish militia/elites theft/coveting of Christian land, historically and recently. In Iraq and Syria. Some Flashbacks and additional news before the main news item!Kurdish militias are not my idea of heroic fighters- They equal the Contras

Who Bombed Ataturk Airport In Istanbul, Turkey? No Claim to Fame Yet!

But the official, state sanctioned, narrative is starting to spill through- And Willy Loman, my friend, you and I were right on the  money!Who is claiming ISIS was the perpetrator, without  evidence and no claims to fame to the attack? ISIS hasn’t claimed ownership. Instead we get the CIA head and his lackey in Turkey- Yildrim telling us who done the deed. Link - Dexter Filkins

Syrian/Turkish No Fly Zone- To Help ‘fight’ ISIS?

So attack at Ataturk airport in Istanbul, Turkey..... Blamed on ISIS.I suggested yesterday that by putting the blame on ISIS, the implementation of the Syrian No Fly Zone could be triggered- Read: Attack On Istanbul: Ataturk Airport- The Death Toll Climbs: Updated To battle ISIS in Syria and to assist Turkey with border control - At least that will be the lie told via the war mongering/agenda promoting media. The reality, that’s been discussed here, is remaking the middle east.