Strategy of tension

War's First Casualty: Truth. Turkish Fighters Kill Kurdish Politician? Or Rival Kurds Kill Politician?

Truth is always the first casualty of war. So let's talk about this latest truth casualty of Operation Peace Spring. The earlier casualty was covered here: Operation Peace Spring: Explosion Near US Soldiers Occupying Alongside Kurdish Proxies- Source UnclearThe source for the bombing  was totally unclear, but, point a finger and the media followsNow the latest: Heyrin Khalaf was killed, along with her driver and others.  This story broke early yesterday.

Perception Management: Psychology, A Messiah called Greta & the "Climate Emergency Movement"

Anyone who naively believes that the "extinction rebellion" and the house burning rubbish is anything but pure perception management aka mind control... MOVE ON. You can't be helped. Remain willfully blind.  If you want to understand how you, I and billions of others are being played on a global scale?

Trilateral Summit on In Ankara- Is Everyone on the Same Page? Damascus labels SDF as "separatist terrorist militia", again.

1- Syrian government labels SDF ‘separatist terrorist militias’ ahead of Ankara talksSDF/PKK fighters. Could you tell them apart from ISIS if they wore the ISIS costume?The Syrian government has previously labeled the SDF as separatist militia’s- So this is nothing new. Wondering why the 5 eyes media is giving attention to this fact, at this time?