Strategy of tension

ISIS responsible for Istanbul Night Club Attack? About that Santa Meme....

I  really want to address the whole Santa meme regarding this club attack-After having looked high and low, I cannot find one image of this perp dressed as Santa Claus.A dark  hat/jacket and pants, carrying a knapsack does not make a Santa ClausGoogle image search  for Santa ClausCan a reader please provide me an image of a red attir

Turkey, Russia & Iran Build Anticipation In Advance of Ceasefire

Interesting the news of the choir singing from the same hymnal yesterday. Even though the dis/misinfo (that website never proved what it claimed) msm /alt media chose to only focus on Erdogan’s ISIS statement.. In order to manipulate their audiences with some ridicule or other ad hominem type statement.Me? I see things just a bit differently.  Erdogan's statement cut a much wider swathe then just a mention of US support to ISIS.

A Ceasefire In Syria? - Not if the US & co Have Their Way!

After all these years of bloggin’ on Syria, it seems to me we are witnessing the best opportunity ever for a Syrian ceasefire. And, yet, there is this strange disconnect with the media coverage regarding Syria?  We are supposed to believe, having  been told for years now, that the cessation of fighting in Syria was always the goal. No military solution, just a political solution. The recent deal worked out between Russia, Turkey and Iran looks, to me, to be the closest the world has come to making/witnessing this cessation of hostilities actually taking place in Syria.

Russian Airstrikes Supporting Turkish Troops but US Support Lacking. Not a surprise.

It was reported here on more then one occasion that the US was NOT supporting Turkey’s Operation Euphrates Shield- This lack of support news had come from main stream sources though the news garnered minimal coverage- still it was present. But, mostly ignored.Just a few posts covering the disconnect between the US & Turkey regarding Operation Euphrates Shield: