Strategy of tension

Mass Shooting In Quebec City- PM Trudeau calls this “Terror attack Against Muslims”

A few points that bother me:- How could this incident be immediately labelled as a terror attack?- Why not some shooter/s on psychiatric meds run amok? Temporary insanity? How about just calling it a crime?- So the quickness the ‘terror act” label was used is suspicious- The claim this is "against Muslims"- Is of course, identity politics and was chosen specifically for this presentation- Why not "against Canada"?

Madonna and the Pussy Hats.. Updated!

A personal indulgence- Perception management, memes and catapulting propaganda Hats figure large in NGO backed feminist movements. Bright coloured, eye catching hats as props. Pussy Riot “rocked” the Balaclava- AllegedlyShould we expect the return of “Pussy Riot” Will Pussy Riot wear Pussy Hats in a rebranded/relaunch/ reappearance?

Turkey: Pity the Nation That is Fooled Twice

My intention was to get back to the Istanbul shooting today.. Sadly it's not working out for me. Getting sidetracked with other topics. I'll get back to that tomorrow. Instead I'm featuring an oped from Daily Sabah. The author is addressing an absurd recent Robert Fisk piece. Fisk get's paid and he clearly kowtowed to his pay masters- I'm not a fan of his, at the best of time. I'm unsure how many readers here caught the piece of trash written by Robert Fisk? I know that Ally did because we exchanged comments regarding the piece.