Strategy of tension

"How America Could Stumble Into War With Iran" ? Elliot Abrams Nixed

 Does a nation ever 'stumble' into war? Stumble- to come unexpectedly or by chance The Atlantic-

"In Donald Trump’s first term there is a serious possibility of a military conflict, whether intentional or inadvertent, between the United States or Israel and Iran. What follows is how it could unfold, and how it might be avoided"

 Step 1: Provocations

Kurdish ISIS Leader Killed in Mosul

Rudaw:  A Kurdish leader of ISIS Sharia was  killed in an airstrike by the US-led coalition in ISIS-held western Mosul, Kurdistan Region Security Council (KRSC) officials wrote in a statement.

"At 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Walid Sarhan al-Kurdi known as Abu Ali al-Kurdi, an ISIS Sharia leader from Tel-Kaif, the area [north of Mosul], was killed in Mosul's al-Zanjili neighborhood, western Mosul," according to the KRSC, adding that four assistants were also killed.

Alexei Navalny: Western NGO/Russian Opposition found Guilty of Embezzlement

Since Navalny had zero chance of winning an election against Putin.. His being found guilty is most probably due to the fact he is actually guilty of embezzlement.I’ve written two previous posts regarding Mr Yale graduate. Hand picked and groomed as some kind of an alleged crusader for justice leader. Imagine me rolling my eyes here folks?Even CNN labels Navalny a Kremlin critic-  Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny found guilty in retrial

Hillary the Hater "The Future is Female"?

Last night I had the misfortune of seeing this clip on Tell- A- Vision. I was appalled. Horrified and Disgusted. This is meme promotion of the most destructive kind. It excludes an entire segment of the population.  I understood immediately what was occurring with this bought and paid for perception management minute- brought to you by yet another special interest group/organization that plays identity politics for a living. As has been repeatedly explained here identity politics is just more divide and conquer- Divide to Conquer.  Divide. Divide. Divide.

Did Trump Really Pull The Trigger on Obama’s Raqqa Plan?

This Washing Post article is working hard to present an idea that there is some change between Obama and Trump in the remake the Middle East/North Africa agenda. So far I only see continuation of policy. Same as occurred when Bush changed to Obama. So we're dealing with a perception change promotion- which the media is happy to deliver. And those that self identify as leftists/liberals/progressives are happy to believe.

Berlin: Ukraine’s Last Ally Standing?

EU Council on Foreign Relations- Notice that the Oligarch Kolomoisky got a bit of “come uppance”. Undoubtedly not enough of one, but it’s at least something. I’ll bold it in red.If you are unfamiliar with Kolomoisky, I’ll relink some previous posts regarding this thug!And put a picture of the Jewish Oligarch wearing his Nazi Tshirt?!