Strategy of tension

Sorting Fact From Fiction: Did Turkish Forces Fire on US Troops?

 Normally I pass right by Zero Hedge. No reading. No linking to. But after reading multiple news articles about this "incident" it seemed sensible to sort reality from spin making it sad but necessary to provide the link to ZeroHedge.  Where the presentation included the  wording Russian MoD. Click bait for the headline skimmers? Appeal to Authority?  Appears so! I had different ideas about what had occurred, after reading multiple news items.  My conclusion.

SITREP: Syrian Constitutional Talks On.Kurdish Administration 'Finished'?

Going Long.... I’m of the opinion the US/Israel and France are not going to let their planned PKK homeland fade away. However, the person interviewed Fabrice Balanche has a different opinion. There have been a few previous reports here that have included information from Mr Balanche. He's knowledgeable and interesting. One statement he made certainly gave me a new view on the whole Turkey/Syria/Russian relationship. And yes, I think it's accurate too.

Turkey and Russia: A Remarkable Rapprochement

 Glad to know someone else is paying attention to the remarkable rapprochement of Turkey and Russia. And is paying heed to just how well Turkey and Russia have been working together.  For more years then many are acknowledging or care to be aware of. In Syria. And elsewhere. I've been following their dealings as close as possible and admit to being impressed by both leaders as they cooperate. Together. And with Iran in the Astana partnership.  We have to understand that it's not just a matter of Putin being a real diplomat.

Damascus & SDF Have a Deal? Doubtful. However, Negotiations Continue with Kurds That Renounce Terrorism.

Guess the originating source for this latest news? Of course, it's the SDF. Do I believe this claim???  Not at this time. It's too early to take this latest report at face value. My inclination leans towards the idea that  if there was a REAL deal between Damascus and some group of Kurds. The deal would be announced by Russia, Damascus  and the allied Kurds, all together.