Strategy of tension

The Deal Associated Press (AP) & Roosevelt Made with Hitler's Germany

 Usually I just skim past any rehash of ww2 and nazi’s- It’s just so tiresome. However, I simply had to make an exception for this tidbit via Washington Post. As you read the entire news article you’ll notice it's written to gloss over the most curious admission  choosing instead to fret over photos published in the US.  It’s not that the photos published in the US don't interest me. They do.

“Syrian” Kurds Plan to March to the Mediterranean Sea- Greater Kurdistan unfolding right before our eyes. And 5 eyes media unquestioningly and approvingly report on the annexation of Syria territory in glowing terms while characterizing Turkey’s reaction as negative. Which it will be, of course. However, did anyone ask the Syrians themselves, all the rest of them how, they feel about their country being annexed?Why should Turkey be overjoyed with this? It’s obvious where this is heading?Should the Turks go, ‘oh yeah, the destruction/annexation occurring in Syria is our future and that’s just great’!

OIT- Interview F. William Engdahl- Round Table, World War & Gods of Money

Where to begin with this one?First of all... Thanks again to Tim Kelley, from Our Interesting Times, who is an excellent interviewer.  A very informative, listen more then once, kind of information packed historical/ present day chat- This is related to a concept I haven't been able to quite put my finger on, or organize, regarding the Atlantacists, Five Eyes, the Brexit and NATO's attempt to crush Europe.

Italian Prosecutor: NGO's Collaborate With Human Traffickers

This is obvious. Human traffickers, organ traffickers and NGO's move in the same circles.War is big business. And business is good for the vile subhumans that profit from this heinous crime against humanity What better way to commit evil then in plain sight. Evil lurks, under cover of goodness.Here's an Italian prosecutor stating that fact:The Italian prosecutor in Sicily yesterday accused migrant rescue organisations of colluding with human traffickers in Libya.