Strategy of tension

Kurdish Official States Baghdadi Alive- Win/Win for the Coalition

Couldn’t have the Russian claim of killing Baghdadi stand!Russia : We Might Have Killed Baghdadi Public Relations and Perception Management...........Previous commentary “The US is investigating Russia's claims? I would think the US should have no doubt that Russia didn't kill Baghdadi because the US has already killed him several times.”And sure enough some mouthpiece for the coalition is claiming that Baghdadi is still alive. He's 99% sure.

PKK/YPG Smash Through Raqqa's Ancient Walls To "Fight" ISIS

 As the American's were celebrating their 4th. Terrorist forces backed by the US military smashed through the ancient city walls of Raqqa. Because it isn't just ISIS that destroys antiquities...Of course the necessity to blast the walls was due to their being mines along the wall..Wondering how it is the US knew just the right places to blow the ancient wall and avoid the land mines and IED?

Sy Mockingbird Hersh- Laying the Groundwork To Justify War Expansion in Syria?

And BEYOND......Sy Hersh was everywhere yesterday. Which is rather stunning for a man who it is alleged finds it so  very difficult to get published that only an outfit in NATO’s Germany publishes Hersh’s anonymously sourced tale. Germany, where, not coincidentally the Panama Papers leaked out of.

Let's Talk About the Death/Displacement Toll on the Civilians of Raqqa, Syria

Since I'm in a fightin' mood- Here's another aspect of the Syrian situation that seems to be mostly ignored by the 5 eyes main stream and so called alt media. I've mentioned the de facto no fly zone. Twice this week.flashback:   June 14th/17- Pacifying Raqqa: ‘Staggering loss of civilian life’ during US-backed siege of Raqqa – UN Link

Did the US, Again, Enforce a No Fly Zone over Annexed Syrian Territory?

Not sure why it is this question isn't being asked?It's clear that the US has the means to do so what with all the bases they've built with the assistance of PKK/YPG in annexed Syrian territory.Then there is another question that needs asking, this one regarding the Russian response.Why just west of the Euphrates, Russian leadership, if the territorial integrity of Syria is sacrosanct?The US downed a Syrian jet that was targeting "SDF forces aka PKK/YPG