Strategy of tension

Message in A Massacre: US attack on Syrian Allied Forces

Yes, the US attack on Syrian forces and their allies was message delivered by means of a massacre!  As I'd noted in yesterday's post the US was employing language that can only be described as F. U. messages. 

 From yesterday's post relinked below; It's pretty obvious that tensions are escalating in Northern Syria.  The US has sent an undeniable F U message to Turkey.  I personally can't interpret this latest report any other way.

 Clear, concise, aggressive and boastful. 

Breaking Reports: Russia Has Responded to Plane Shootdown in Syria

Following up on the earlier news regarding the shootdown of a Russian piloted Su-25.

Russia Confirms Su-25 Downed in Syria- Repercussions?

That was fast.

 Interesting that we now have two terror groups taking credit for shooting down the plane. Though original video/claim of shoot down was made by Jaysh al Nasr. Their logo featured prominently in the video. RT

Realpolitik at Sochi

  It's interesting to observe this sort of bias against the nation state of Turkey. Largely due to some negative idea of Erdogan.  I scratch my head at it. It's another nation state in among a whole pile of nation states. It's leader is no more wily then any other leader. I don't get the whole Saint Putin vs Evil Erdogan meme? Erdogan is a player as much as Putin is a player.  And that's just the way it is!   It's painfully obvious that Erdogan, as the leader of Turkey has been and continues to be demonized by the 5 eyes main stream and alt media.