Strategy of tension

Rebels/ Terrorists Claim Syrian Forces Drop Chemicals on Douma


BEIRUT, April 7 (Reuters) - Syrian rebel group Jaish al-Islam accused government forces on Saturday of dropping a barrel bomb containing poisonous chemicals on civilians in eastern Ghouta, injuring more than 500 people.

"The Assad regime and its allies carry on with their crimes," the rebels' military spokesman Hamza Birqdar told al-Hadath TV.

Manbij Quandary- US Turkish Tensions to Worsen & Mattis set to go

You better believe the Manbij situation and the possible kicking to the curb of Mattis are connected! Flashback: Jim Mattis- His alleged appeasement of Turkey is pretty questionable however it may have been too much for the superhawks in the Trump Whitehouse. FrontPage Magazine: Time to Get Tough With Turkey

Breaking News: Syrian Forces Liberate All Cities of Syria's East Ghouta


The Syrian army's command  has said that its forces have liberated all the territory of Eastern Ghouta, including cities and settlements.

"After a series of carefully planned battles and military operations conducted by our armed forces with the help of friendly and allied forces, control over all the cities and settlements of the Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta has been restored," the statement said.