Strategy of tension

Oil Is The Enabler of Military Power

It is incorrect to say that oil is an unimportant reason to wage war - It may not be the only reason, but, it is an extremely important reason  for understanding why wars are fought.  Controlling access or denying access to oil is something that's been discussed at the blog. There is a vicious circle of needing oil to wage war- waging war to access oil. While all  along the way- profits are made. And most pathetically a free pass is given by the AGW cult to the war machine every single day-

Paris Attacker Born in Chechnya. Blame Russia? You Betcha!

One always has to wonder exactly how it is each of these types of attacks will be spun. Certainly this most recent attack in France, with it’s alleged Chechen perpetrator, caught my attention. Considering most previous  French attackers have been Syrian or somehow connected to Syria. Or French nationals somehow ‘radicalized’ in Syria.Examples: France Supermarket Attacker pledged to "die for Syria"

SDF/YPG/PKK Under Attack From "Unknown Aggressors"?

I'm really not sure what to make of this news. Still, it seems interesting enough to post.Is the unknown aggressor a new player on the field. If so who exactly are they? Who are they really affiliated with? Jane's curiously provided for us all a new/different name for an entity that may or may not be the 'unknown aggressor'.  Scroll down for that bit of info. And yes, I'll certainly be keeping my eye on this group.Washington Times

US to use ISIS Ploy to Expand PKK/YPG further into Syria

 That’s exactly what has been done all along. For years and years now. That obvious fact has been explained very plainly, very clearly here on many occasions. That the whole Kurd/ISIS fighting concept is pure theatre- Taking place in the war theatre.   I coined the phrase KurdIShIS to explain the phenomena so very long ago. Which is why I was so flummoxed at the so called alt media pushing the same meme as the msm about Kurdish fighters being the real threat to ISIS. Until, finally, it dawned on me that most of the alt media is controlled opposition.