Strategy of tension

Wow! Chechens in Boston. Framing Russia? Not a surprise.

As I said, right here, on this blog. If the fingers are pointed at Russia regarding the explosion in Boston......  Don’t be surprised.Tuesday April 16/13 in the post titled :Bombs at the Boston Marathon: Bomb sniffing dogs present pre-race.If you had not read what I had suspected then, let me rehash here and now

Pt 1-Cristiano Tinazzi: A spook that ties Libya to Syria and arms from Italy via Croatia

Recall this news? : 4 Italian Journos kidnapped in Northern Syria: Who did they get photos of ?                                Way, way more to this news then initially met the eye. Not a surprise, really. Is anything ever as it seems?A most interesting commenter stopped by named Nikola. Nikola is Italian and has left info for which I have had to use the translate to sort through it all. But, Dammit! It has been worth it! What a saga.Of course, I did a bit of digging on my own.