Strategy of tension

The EyeOpener Report- Failure to Withdraw: The CIA, the Taliban, and the Strategy of Tension in Afghanistan

The Afghan war has provided NATO with access to control the $200+ Billion opium trade. The war has given NATO a key toe-hold in a geostrategic region, bordering perennial US target Iran as well as providing access to the key Central Asian nations- a vital area in NATO’s ongoing quest to encircle China and Russia. The occupation also affords the ISAF forces direct access to Afghanistan’s mineral resources, and the compliant Kabul regime is only too happy to allow multinational corporations access to those resources.

Zawahiri holds a seance and channels Osama Bin Laden???

Oh wait, no, that's wrong. Because Zawahiri is dead and so is Bin Laden. Let me reformulate.Who held the seance or went into the trance that brought forth Zawahiri, the already dead Zawahiri, who was then able to channel OBL from wherever he resides in the afterlife, to deliver us this latest threat!Or at least have ABC deliver it? In other words what kind of deception is being pulled on the people with this alleged news report?blah, blah, blah....

This is Maaloula, Syria.

Maaloula Syria. You might have heard about this small town? The western media was and still is reporting the attack on Maaloula as a strike on yet another christian town. That is, unsurprisingly, a grossly inaccurate, and overly simplified reporting. Sure, the strike on the town report is correct, but  Maaloula is not just another christian town.That said, a brief recap of what happened is in order

Unfolding the Future of the Long War: Geostrategic/resource control

Continuing on with the real reason for the war on Syria. Not, the ‘bad man’ who did something very, very bad. That so called bad deed requiring punishment from the benevolent big daddy.You should have gotten past that stuff in Gr. 2!We are talking the real reason for the US/Israel/NATO destabilization of Syria, which started long ago. In a land far, far away. The USA.You read yesterday’s post?

Egypt: Creating a false paradigm to justify death and destruction

 This is one hell of an info packed post. I would very much appreciate the gift of your time to read as I gifted my time to research and write. Thank-You in advance :)When I began working on this post, news out of Egypt had just started hitting the media. What was clear from those earliest reports is that this had been a brutal operation. Starting at dawn, protest camps fogged heavily with tear gas. Bulldozers, helicopters, snipers and live fire were all immediately reportedEarliest casualty counts had approximately 40 dead.

Egyptian Military Kills its own while collaborating with Israel & NATO ???

 Tough question!If you are one of those persons, who supported the coup psy-op in Egypt, using the reasoning that the coup was undertaken to achieve democratic restoration in Egypt, this post is not going to make you happy. If you were one of those individuals who equated the Syrian Army to the Egyptian Army and the actions ongoing in their respective nations as the same, this post is not for you. It will challenge your cherished beliefs. And for whatever reason people don’t want their beliefs challenged. You have been warned.

Sousveillance: The answer to Surveillance

Sousveillance explains the psychopathic elites need for the Apple Technology mentioned yesterday.Apple Inc. Patents Technology to aid the Fascist Police State. Clearly the elite were feeling threatened by an empowered populace... Too bad for them.Sousveillance will continue and evolve.I enjoyed this video by James Corbett. Send thanks the anonymous commenter who left the link. And applaud the courage of the individuals who work for freedom, however it is they choose to work for it.