Strategy of tension

Bureaucracy, Cognition & Geopolitics: Authoritarians vs. Libertarians

Good interview! I had two listens because it was interesting and thought provokingThere is a pdf that inspired this interview. I've not had the time to read it. But will be doing so.It is linked below PaperBureaucracy_V2.0.pdfThanks to Henrik at Red Ice Radio !!!Don't miss the earlier post and flashback!There is a connection

Human Rights Watch- Watches while NATO robs Humans of their Rights

Human Rights Watch: An organization that Watches, while NATO robs Humans of their Rights.Yes just another useless NGO. Along with Greenpeace and so many others of that ilk. Have I mentioned that NGO’s should be shunned by everyone? Everywhere? Why yes, I have.They are detestable organizations created to fool the public into thinking they are not part of the apparatus of tyrannical state. These organizations are not fooling me. Don’t let them fool you.NGO’s should be shunned. Turn NGO’s into Pariahs.

Turkish Court Case regarding Syrian 'Jihadis' aka NATO/Israeli mercs procuring chemical weapons

 Once one trudges through the heavy handed spin ,contained in numerous paragraphs, to finally reach the actual subject of this Al Monitor article, dated September 30/13:  Turkish Court Investigates Syrian Jihadist Use of Chemicals we all get to read about NATO/Israel's hired killers ability and success at getting the ingredients to make a noxious, toxic chemical weapon. Not that i

Stolen Antiquites for sale in Israel and likely America

ht to karin for this article. And yes, I was steaming! This is a subject I have talked on more then once. The sale of priceless stolen artifacts. The effect on the countries having their history stolen and the wider loss to humanity as a whole. I am surely not the only person who understands how disgraceful these thefts are?As I have mentioned previously most of these stolen items end up in the hands and homes of the moneyed classes.

Pt 2-Kenya: Westage mall seige ends with explosion and floor collapse!

Cripes, almighty! Having just finished earlier today the Kenya post, mentioning the conveniently collapsing mall floors and the cleansing fire......You truly must read the earlier post for the foundational information, then read on belowOr read below and read back, I don't care, just read all the information together!Relink: Kenya: The Westgate Mall, Shabab and Israelbriefest of excerpt from previous post

Kenya: The Westgate Mall, Shabab and Israel

Kenya-  The hostage taking. In a mall, of all places? But, not just any mall, no, an upscale mall.A mall where white western diplomats from across the globe shopped. A mall that was most definitely not for the masses in Africa.  The ordinary people might go to a market.Or just sustain themselves?However, this is a mall that would definitely  hold the attention of the main stream western media audience Even the name Westgate would be very easy for the receptive western audience to remember. It would stick in the mind.