Strategy of tension

Turkish PM Erdogan threatened/challenged by Fethullah Gulen?

Very, very curious. I have long felt there is something, can’t quite put my finger on it, going on in Turkey.Turkey is an interesting nation. Lots of coups. A military largely externally controlled.Similar, very similar to Egypt. Did Erdogan get too comfy?  Is Erdogan not wanting to see Turkey balkanized for a Kurdish state?Are we witnessing a narrative change? One I have mentioned in numerous previous posts? From Arab Spring to 'terrorism' fighting or otherwise?Fethullah Gulen. What about Fethullah Gulen? Someone who reeks of ties to western intelligenceRemember this interview?

Western backed mercenaries intensify their targetting of Christians & Allawites

One news item that says so much about the western backed mercenaries brutal war of divide to conquer in Syria.NATO. The blood of  so many innocents stain the nations that participate in this endless imperialism.Yes, that includes CanadaMilitants have intensified attacks against Christians and Allawites

"U.N. Syria Report Inconclusive on Chemical Weapons" ??? Actually, No.

OK, back to Syria- chemical weapons and acrimonious UN meetingsThe headline is from Wall Street Journal. It is the usual obfuscation spin from the lying corporate war mongering, zionist media.  Playing  fast and loose with the truth. The report is anything but inconclusive.Obviously, I hold the opinion there are a great many conclusions that can be reached about just who used chemical weapons in Syria. And who was on the receiving end. We can all use our brains. That is what we have them for All one has to do is read. And think.

Oh look. Ukraine Protestors Topple Statue. How iconic

Yawn..... Ukraine “protestors” topple a statue.This action is getting tired. Really tired. As in, aren't you tired of seeing the same perception management played out over and over?  We have seen statues pulled down quite regularly and it is always presented as some kind of iconic action. Iconic as in meaningful.Always time for a definition...........

NATO/Canada's hired killers trying to take back Canadian Hospital in Aleppo, Syria

Yup! A Canadian hospital in Aleppo, Syria. A hospital for the hired killers.A brief rant and then we will get to that news.While the Canadian Government steals money from hardworking Canadians.....Via taxes extracted.And the public servants all lie. To us, the citizens. The humans resident in Canada. The taxpayer fed and fattened public servants say - these taxes are going to support the services you depend on everyday................ Even though these services are being reduced.