Strategy of tension

The EU urges the creation of a new Ukrainian government- Surprise!

Not. I am not surprised to read of the EU making this call.Why, it was just yesterday we saw Victoria Nuland's anointed one call for the creation of a parallel government...... And then today the EU urges the creation of a new Ukrainian governmentFirst: Recall Victoria Nuland wanted 'Yats' in?Video here- Victoria Nuland "F the EU on the Ukraine"? Political elite or something else?

US & EU wade deeper in Ukraine standoff with an "aid" package

-The US and the EU are attempting to work their "magic" (facetious) To resolve the crisis they created in the Ukraine.  Create the problem. Wait for the reaction- Or create a reaction and then offer up a solution. Of sorts?I will highlight the interesting bits. -Exactly who is going to be aided by this package? It very clearly is not the Ukrainian people.But then this was never, ever about what was good for the Ukraine or her peopleWe have talk of carrots or sticks.

Henry Kissinger: Through the Ukraine mirror Russia sees the regime change agenda

 And moreJust a bit more then 7 minutes and extremely informative

FZ: You know Putin well. You've met him more than any American. Do you think he’s watching what is happening in Ukraine and thinking, the West and the United States is doing this essentially as a way of surrounding Russia?

HK- "I think he thinks that this is a dress rehearsal for what we would like to do in Moscow. And so..."

FZ: Regime change?