Strategy of tension

Heralding “Feral City Warfare”, Or, Why the US Destroyed Raqqa and Mosul.

Raqqa, flattenedI’d expect this was done with the intent to create these unstable feral cities on Syrian territory. Making them a laboratory for experimentation on military strategy and of course how humans can adapt to such horrific surroundings.Certainly the concept of “Feral Cities” was created for a strategic military purpose. In plain talk this was not happenstance. This is military doctrine.

SitRep Syria: KurdIShIS/ Smuggling Syrian Oil for Usrael Arms/Idlib And Still More...

  Yes indeed the KurdIShIS special relationship is finally getting more attention. To which I can only say “It’s about time” people see what is right in front of their eyes!!  Not only is it about time, it’s long, long overdue.  I want to tip my hat to Scott at nomadic everyman who was the ONLY other blogger/truth teller who had caught on to the plain sight collusion between Kurds/ISIS, aside from myself.   This collusion has been well obfuscated by the media. Alt and mainstream.

Turkey/US Falling Out- Can't Be Avoided When It's In Your Face

 I’ve been talking here for years about the US/Turkey fall out. The slightest bit of extra attention paid  to the discourse between the two nations would have made their dispute obvious to a wider audience. Instead we all to read endless rubbish about what was "going on" promoted by the perception managing media. Alt and mainstream aided by on line disinformers.  Finally. When it can’t be ignored anymore.. The disagreement is getting attention.  Years after it began.

Erdogan's Response to the Christchurch Manifesto Message

 Observations--- the media, main stream and the so called "alternative" media is portraying Erdogan talking about the Christchurch incident to the citizens of Turkey as something irrational.  As if it's being discussed for no particular reason at all. But that's not really the case.  Of course, it's easy enough to manipulate the masses when you leave out entirely why the Turks are discussing this specific incident.  What is it about this incident that has them concerned. Seems to me as the leader of Turkey, Erdogan probably should keep an open dialogue with the citizens of Turkey.  Includin