Stop the War Coalition

Syrian Nun Seen as Threat to War Resistance

What is the worst Mother Agnes could have done to the anti-war conference? 
Here’s what it looks like when a respected reporter tweets about his blackmail note to an established anti-war organization regarding the organization’s upcoming conference in a tweet on November 15:
<!–[if !vml]–><!–[endif]–>”jeremy scahillVerified account‏@jeremyscahill

Mother Agnes and the Self Destruction of the Political Left

By Richard Edmondson | Fig Trees and Vineyards | November 23, 2013

Leftist luminaries Jeremy Scahill and Owen Jones attempted to cast aspersions upon Mother Agnes, but instead they have brought discredit not only upon themselves, but upon the conference at which they are to speak in London next Saturday. We should not be surprised at the way all this has turned out.