Steve Knight

Conservatives In The House Vote Down A Resolution To Get U.S. Soldiers Out Of Iraq And Syria

South Jersey voters have a choice: Norcross backs pointless wars; Law doesn'tWednesday afternoon, the House voted on a resolution introduced by Jim McGovern (D-MA), H Con Res 55, that directs the President, pursuant to section 5(c) of the War Powers Resolution, to remove United States Armed Forces deployed to Iraq or Syria on or after August 7, 2014, other than Armed Forces requ

Why Would A Right Wing Extremist Like Steve Knight Vote To Give Obama Unlimited Power Through Fast Track Authority?

No one should have expected anything good coming from conservative New Dem Kathleen Rice when she joined the Republicans and other conservative Democrats to try to pass Fast Track authorization. John MacArthur, writing Friday for Harper's, said, "Rice last week reversed her opposition to fast-track the TPP.

The GOP Sees Its #1 Job To Build The Power Of An American Aristocracy

Last week we looked at a video from the History Channel about how Andrew Carnegie, John Rockefeller and JP Morgan worked together to subvert the 1896 election and steal it from William Jennings Bryan (D) for Wall Street shill William McKinely (R). Their machinations led to the greatest wealth inequality in American history and, inevitably, the Great Depression. That kind of inequality-- nearly half the wealth in the country in the grasping paws of just 1% of the people-- is back...

Grayson Leads Huge Bipartisan Effort To Strengthen Freedom Of The Press

On Wednesday the House passed an important amendment to the Fiscal Year 2016 Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations Bill (H.R. 2578). Alan Grayson wrote it and led the fight to pass it so that the federal government would no longer be allowed to harass journalists with the intention of forcing them to reveal their sources.

Conservative "Bipartisanship" Means Contaminated Drinking Water In Streams And Lakes

This week, you probably heard a lot of Democrats applauding the promulgation of a new rule by the EPA and Army Corp of Engineers meant to limit pollution in rivers, lakes and wetlands. Progressives may be angry with Obama over TPP but were overjoyed that he's moving ahead with this environmental promise.

Congress Divides Into 2 Camps-- Those Supporting Military Families And Those Supporting Predatory Lenders

Lou Vince-- progressive congressional candidate for CA-25The Military Times super-serves a very specific readership. A few days ago they went into overdrive because conservatives made it clear that there is an expansion of legislation Elizabeth Warren has pushed that they want to destroy-- protection for military families from predatory lenders.