Stephen Colbert

Trump's One-Note Campaign: Ladies And Gentlemen, It's All About Meeeeeeeee

The psychological aspects of this campaign are fascinating, but they certainly seem to be effective on the highly uneducated so appreciated and targeted by Trump. This is a candidacy all about projection. His jihad against Hillary Clinton's e-mail scandal is something he knows something about-- not about her being guilty of destroying e-mails, but about he doing exactly that a decade ago.

At What Point Do Economists Stop Worrying About A Trump Recession And Starting Worrying About A Trump Depression?

Trump voters don't think about the economy-- and surprisingly, neither does heI just listened to folksy billionaire, corporate raider and energy hedge fund operator T. Boone Pickens being interviewed on NPR explaining why he's voting for his old pal Donald and why Donald will be the next president. He funded the swift-boating operation against John Kerry, spent over $2.5 million on other questionable George W.

Would You Vote For Someone Working To Destroy America? Most Members Of Congress Are Doing Just That-- TPP

Japan's Parliament is debating the TPP this week. But our Congress isn't. For all the GOP bullshit about letting the voters decide who the next Supreme Court just will be, they certainly have no intention of letting the voters decide who their next congressmembers will be based on a TPP vote. The strategy for thwarting the voters-- rigging the system, if you will-- is to keep it as quiet as you can and then vote on it after the election, probably during the lame duck session so that defeated members have been bribed and blackmailed into supporting it.

Trump Is No April Fool's Joke

Because Trump's not part of the GOP crackpot Band, he's not politically correct within the finely attenuated right-wing circles where everyone knows you're never supposed to say out loud what he clumsily stumbled into it, that of course women would go to prison for getting an abortion in Republican-world. Even Mike Huckabee, who's been hoping some crumbs would fall his way from a Trump administration, was on Morning Joe admitting that Trump "handled that poorly… It was a terrible answer.

No more "Daily Show with Jon Stewart"? Guess I'll have to get my debate coverage from "The Borowitz Report"

Plus: I advance my latest theory as to why allthese Republicans are "running for president""[Jon] Stewart leaves behind a legacy of having raised the bar for political discourse — to jostle folks as they laugh at political folly, to remind people of the real-world consequences embedded in those punchlines, to demand that, amidst all late-night shucking-and-jiving, people in power should be held accountable for the state of our nation."-- Rolling Stone's Matthew Love, in "How J