Stephen Colbert

Oliver Stone’s Israel remarks CENSORED by Stephen Colbert’s Late Show

Reports have surfaced that during his heated exchange with Stephen Colbert, Oliver Stone responded to statements from Colbert repeating the tired narrative about Russia interfering in the US election by bringing up an elephant in the room that many media outlets have totally ignored.
Stone said of alleged and thus far totally unproved Russian interference,

“Israel had far more involvement in the US election than Russia, why don’t you ask me about that?”

Colbert, quick to end that part of the discussion replied,

UNCENSORED: These YouTube comments show most Americans are NOT buying into the anti-Russia agenda

Stephen Colbert’s recent interview with film-maker Oliver Stone  is a surprisingly good encapsulation of everything wrong with the Russophobia that has gripped America since the middle-years of the Obama administration, a phenomenon which has vastly accelerated since Hillary Clinton labelled the winning candidate, now POTUS Trump as a man compromised by ‘Russian links’ which are totally non-existent by any objective standard.

Is The CBO Score A Death Sentence For The Republican Congressional Majorities?

The CBO sums up their report on the new version of TrumpCare with one sentence: "CBO and JCT estimate that enacting the American Health Care Act would reduce federal deficits by $119 billion over the coming decade and increase the number of people who are uninsured by 23 million in 2026 relative to current law." The original version would have kicked 24 million off their health insurance but it would have reduced the deficit by $150 billion.

Stephen Colbert refuses to apologize for hate filled Trump bashing monologue

Yesterday The Duran reported on “Late Show” host Stephen Colbert facing criticism for lashing out at President Donald Trump during his Monday night opening monologue.
During the monologue, Colbert went into a whiny, non-funny rant on the US President, over the Trump’s recent treatment of CBS News’ John Dickerson.
Some of Colbert’s rant…

Stephen Colbert’s cry baby monologue against Trump has America in agreement, Hollywood stars are A-holes (Video)

“Late Show” host Stephen Colbert is facing criticism for lashing out at President Donald Trump on Monday night during his opening monologue.
During the monologue, Colbert went into a whiny, non-funny rant on the US President, over the Trump’s recent treatment of CBS News’ John Dickerson.

Do You Trust Trump With Nukes? Really... Do You?

In the summer of 1588 Phillip II of Spain decided to try to force Regime change in England by removing Elizabeth I from the throne. He sent his Grande y Felicísima Armada north. Phillip II was lame and it was more his gross mismanagement than the weather that undid the Spanish Armada. Trump is far less capable than Phillip, although I suspect that he's been unofficially removed from the chain of command, unless dishonest tweets and nonsensical babbling on TV is part of the strategy. Trumpanzee, lying to Maria Bartiromo: "We are sending an armada; very powerful.

Is Trump's Approval More Likely To Continue Collapsing Because He's Lazy And Ill-Prepared Or Because Of His Toxic Discombobulated Agenda?

Earlier today we looked at the blossoming civil war inside the White House. It's very much related to nothing much getting done-- and there is no issue besides repeal and replace where there is as much finger-pointing and fury. Trump may not care what's in the bill, but he certainly wants a "win." He blames different people daily, although Ryan and the Freedom Caucus seem get the bulk of it on various days.