Stephen Colbert

Re-rigging Wall Street Against America

Yesterday, we started the day off looking at how conservative Democrats are joining with the Republicans to gut Dodd-Frank and set Wall Street free to rip off America and Americans again, Elizabeth Warren and progressive House candidates Austin Frerick (IA), Tim Canova (FL), Lillian Salerno (TX), DuWayner Gregory (NY), Ellen Lipton (MI) and Sam Jammal (C

There's A Tendency To Feel Sympathetic Towards Anyone In Conflict With Trump... Be Careful With That

This week, the New Yorker features an exhaustive piece by Dexter Filkins on Trump's Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson. It's worth reading it its entirety, probably quickly before Trump fires him or drives him to quit. There was one part of it, however, the swampiest part, I thought worth sharing with you. Tillerson's deep reservations about taking a job with Trump, wrote, Filkins, "turned out to be well founded.

You Can't Say Trump Brought Back A Know Nothing Ethos-- Since It's Never Really Gone Away

Jews voted overwhelmingly for Hillary against Trump last year, but immigrant Jews, especially from Russia, voted for Trump. Emma Lazarus was born in 1849 to a family of Jewish immigrants from Germany, although she is known for her writings about Russian Jewish immigrants who fled the pogroms that followed the assassination of Tsar Alexander II in 1881.

You Can't Impeach Someone For Vulgarity, But...

Two dozen Secretaries of State, including many Republicans in red states like Oklahoma, Mississippi, Utah, Texas, Arizona, Indiana, North Dakota, and Tennessee told the Trump Regime to "go jump in the Gulf of Mexico" when they asked for voters' personal information. Trumpanzee woke up Saturday accusing them, of trying to hide something.

The Harder The GOP Pushes For TrumpCare, The Closer We Get To Medicare-For-All

So now Trump is agreeing with far right extremists, like Rand Paul (R-KY) and Ben Sasse (R-NE), that the way forward is to just repeal the Affordable Care Act with no replacement, which the CBO says will mean 32 million Americans will lose their healthcare immediately. These are really horrible, horrible people.

Oliver Stone’s Israel remarks CENSORED by Stephen Colbert’s Late Show

By Adam Garrie | The Duran | June 16, 2017 Reports have surfaced that during his heated exchange with Stephen Colbert, Oliver Stone responded to statements from Colbert repeating the tired narrative about Russia interfering in the US election by bringing up an elephant in the room that many media outlets have totally ignored. Stone said of […]