Staff Picks

Washington Post editor calls for a simpler time “when everyone considered Russia the enemy. Even the president”

The Washington Post deputy editor Ruth Marcus wants us to go back to a simpler time when America hated Russia.
No surprise coming from WaPo top brass. Here is the “fake news” WaPo editor’s tweet…

So excited to be watching The Americans, throwback to a simpler time when everyone considered Russia the enemy. Even the president.

White House says ‘no question’ Deep State exists, targeting Donald Trump (VIDEO)

A historic thing happened at Friday’s White House press conference. And it was so brief it could have easily been missed.
There was a short exchange between White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer and a reporter, who asked if the White House acknowledged the existence of a “deep state” – the entrenched government bureaucracy and those in intelligence agencies who continue in their posts, formulating policy regardless of which party is in power.

7 conspiracy theories that aren’t actually conspiracy theories

The internet and social media are wonderful places. They constitute a market place of ideas, but like any marketplace, some watches are Rolex and some are fakes. One could lament the fact that some liberals and globalists still use social media, but free speech is free speech. One has to take the inane with the profound.
But adding to the chorus of annoyance is not just those reading from the post-modern liberal, non-denominational, trans-human, inter-species hymn-sheet. There are also the wild conspiracy theorists. They come in all intellectual shapes and sizes.

Here’s why Ukraine is suing Russia in the International Court of Justice

The case Ukraine is bringing in the International Court of Justice is attracting scant international attention and has been almost entirely ignored by Western governments and by the Western media.  Having said this it is an interesting case which begs a number of obvious questions.
Ukraine’s claim is set out in an indictment which apparently runs to 45 pages.  The summary of its claim, which is dated 17th January 2017, can be found here.

Oil price crashes as US shale production surges

The last few days have witnessed a further sharp fall in oil prices after the rally in late 2016 caused by the agreement between Russia and OPEC to cut oil output.
It is generally acknowledged that the terms of the agreement have been fulfilled, and that the two biggest producers – Saudi Arabia and Russia – have indeed cut production as they promised.  Nonetheless oil prices are now falling again.

Russia’s inflation fall exceeds Central Bank target

Rosstat, Russia’s state statistical agency, is reporting that the annualised inflation rate in Russia has now fallen to 4.5%, with Russia recording increasingly frequently weeks of zero inflation during the winter months.
This is most unusual.  Normally the inflation rate rises in Russia in the winter and falls in the summer.  The fact that Russia is now regularly recording weeks of zero inflation even in winter shows that inflation in Russia is falling faster than anyone (myself included) expected.

Melania Trump’s popularity rises. CNN poll shows 86% of Republicans view the first lady favorably

First Lady Melania Trump’s favorability rating has risen by 16 points since Donald Trump was sworn-in as the 45th President of the United States.
According to a CNN/ORC poll released Wednesday, 52% of Americans have a favorable opinion of Melania Trump, an increase from 36% pre-inauguration.