Staff Picks

4 social networks that will not censor, shadow ban or prohibit free speech

With rumors gaining steam that Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter are working to suppress, block, or shadow ban viewpoints that dissent form the liberal left, globalist narrative, many prominent, conservative social media power users like Paul Joseph Watson and Dave Cullen are working to build free speech social networks on alternative platforms…social networks free from globalist influence, CIA surveillance, and silicon valley cronyism.

Michael Moore says today marks the day human beings become extinct…blames Trump

President Trump is ready to roll-back of a number of former POTUS Obama’s environmental protection and climate change regulations.
This news has left, looney leftist snowflake documentary filmmaker, Michael Moore unhinged…

Trump has signed orders killing all of Obama’s climate change regulations. The EPA is prohibited henceforth from focusing on climate change.
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) March 28, 2017

Moore was not done, tweeting this very dumb comment…

Ron Paul says “Trump might have been wiretapped by Obama” but loss of our liberties is real scandal

For Ron Paul, its not even up for debate…Trump was spied on, as everyone is spied on. The US intelligence apparatus is collecting data on the entire US…the entire planet.
The major takeaway, according to Ron Paul, from the Trump – Obama wiretap scandal, is that everyone is seeing their liberty swept up in surveillance…stolen and stored in massive data centers sitting in the middle of the Utah desert.
Trump will learn many things from #Obamagate, but he may fail to learn the central lesson, that spying on Americans is a grotesque attack on American values.

Europe takes in refugees by the millions; Saudis blow them out of the water

While Germany, Greece, the Visegrad countries, and Brussels all argue about who should take in the most migrants, the Saudis have evidently found a much simpler solution to the problem.
A boat carrying Somali refugees off the coast of Yemen was allegedly attacked by the Saudi-led coalition which is intervening in Yemen’s civil war, reported Human Rights Watch.

CNN and MSNBC busted giving “LIVE” interview to Russia hating Congresswoman Jackie Speier, at the same time

CNN and MSNBC have been caught using the same “LIVE” guest, at same time in two different interview segments.
Both MSNBC and CNN aired what they claimed was a “live” interview with Congresswoman Jackie Speier, at the exact same time, doing different interviews. Magic or fake news propaganda?
Media analyst Mark Dice was quick to spot the fake news from these mainstream media outlets…

Mark Dice does manage to unravel the mystery.
As it turns out CNN is the network which is pushing fake news in this instance.

Fox News goes on a Russia hysteria rant as Ambassador John Bolton says conflict with Iran is underway

Fox News’ Eric Shawn reports about the Moscow and Tehran partnership in an effort to brand both nations as “terror states.”
No better person to push Russia hate and global war mongering than neocon Ambassador John Bolton, who championed the George W. Bush’s WMD war in Iraq, as well professing support for “moderate rebels” in Syria (aka Al Qaeda and ISIS).
Bolton lays out his neocon strategy quite openly in the last 30 seconds of the clip…

“The next conflict is already underway…Iran is the principle threat.”

US airstrike killing 200 civilians in Mosul proves that western media outrage over Aleppo was fake news (Video)

Two days ago The Duran wrote about a US air strike on the city of Mosul that killed approximately 200 civilians.
The massive death toll forced Iraqi military leaders to pause in their push to recapture west Mosul from ISIS. International outrage mounted over the airstrikes that killed at least 150 people in one district of the embattled city alone.
The mainstream media completely ignored Mosul’s death toll…

Merkel turning toward Moscow? Bavaria’s governor leads huge German delegation to Russia

Besides French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen’s surprise meeting with Vladimir Putin today, another important meeting between German leaders and Russia’s president happened last week, but has gone almost unreported outside German media.
Bavarian governor Horst Seehofer, who holds a powerful position in German politics, visited Moscow on March 16th, bringing with him a massive delegation of German political and business leaders.

Google and Twitter to blame for London terror attacks?

David Cameron followed Barack Obama’s lead and helped to arm and fund ISIS, in an effort to remove Assad and get a Qatari/Saudi pipeline built through Syria and onto Europe.
52-year-old Khalid Masood was known to police and MI5. Islamic State claimed Masood was its ‘soldier’.
Home Secretary Amber Rudd denied failures but admitted that ‘one got through’.
Somehow this is Google and Twitter’s fault?