Staff Picks

“US helping spread Wahhabism all over the Middle East.” Jimmy Dore destroys Sean Spicer (Video)

“US set the whole Middle East on fire…but someone else is a d**k.” Jimmy Dore calls it straight on this one.
Sean Spicer claims Hitler did not use chemical weapons (gas chambers??).
The Trump attack on Assad is making the entire White House look more stupid with each passing day.
Jimmy Dore takes Spicer to task for his ridiculous comments, and the White House’s dangerous run up to war with Syria and Russia.

Michael Savage: complete “false flag in Syria.” No sarin gas, most likely phosgene gas

A must listen. Savage Nation is a huge radio platform. Michael Savage is also a chemical weapons expert.
Key points:
Savage: “Who got to you, Mr. President? Who is whispering in your ear and could have made you make this dramatic of a change towards Russia in just three days?”
Savage: “We just helped ISIS.”
Savage notes that the poison gas attack was a complete false flag.

5 different wings of the GOP

The Congressional leadership of the Republican party reminds me of a gang of suicidal men whose every attempt to do the deed fails because the single local bridge is only a metre off the ground. Adding to this is a Democratic party whose every public implosion, inadequacy and lack of originality is the proverbial net that keeps the otherwise useless Republicans on electoral life support.

Establishment COUNTER-COUP: Syrian chemical false-flag has Trump singing ‘Assad did it’

Three years ago, Syria was declared free of chemical weapons under an agreement proposed by Russia which forestalled an expected attack on Syria led by the United States.
This came after a massive propaganda campaign in western media alleging a devastating sarin gas attack near Ghouta, Syria, which is reported to have killed thousands. The attack was blamed on Syrian president Assad, with the small amount of substantiating evidence provided by Israel.

Billionaire reality TV star, Mark Cuban goes insane on twitter, as Putin paranoia sinks in

Another day, another liberal, elitist, Hillary surrogate completely crumbles into insanity.
This weekend, tech billionaire, Dallas Mavericks owner, and realty TV “Shark Tank” star, Mark Cuban flew right into the cuckoo’s nest.
Cuban was a die hard Hillary supporter (as all billionaire globalists were), but no one would have ever expected the Shark Tank star to fall apart over Trump, Russia, and Putin so tragically in a never-ending tweetstorm.

The list of 17 intelligence agencies being used to propagate the Russian hacking lie

For the better part of 8 months we have been hearing from the Clinton campaign, the western mainstream media, Congress et al. about the 17 intelligence agencies that have concluded that Russia interfered, hacked, sabotaged the US elections and America’s democracy.
To be accurate, 16 agencies were “highly confident” Russia hacked the DNC. The one agency capable of investigating the allegations, the NSA, said it was only “moderately confident.”