St. Petersburg attacks

Trump calls Putin. Pledges the “full support” of Washington to Moscow

After eight years of Barack Obama demonizing Russia, while weaponizing ISIS, it now appears (on the surface of things) that US President Trump is very serious about taking out ISIS…in coordination with Russia.
Yesterday’s St, Petersburg metro attack, while not fully confirmed, has all the hallmarks of a terrorist strike motivated by “radical islamic terrorists”, which will only work to strengthen Trump and Putin’s resolve in defeating ISIS in Syria and elsewhere.

Donald Trump responds to St. Petersburg terrorist attack

Sitting beside Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Donald Trump offered his initial response to today’s terrorist attack in St. Petersburg.
Trump’s short statement called the attack a ‘terrible, terrible, thing’.

Trump on Russia subway explosions: “Terrible. Terrible thing. Happening all over the world. Absolutely a terrible thing.”
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) April 3, 2017