the squad

Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar try to crack US’ Israel policy

As most readers of The Duran are painfully aware of, the United States has executed a policy toward Israel that has been painted as “a great relationship with our closest Middle East ally”, but which often in reality exposes the US as something of a proxy to the wishes of the Israeli leadership. The actions of notably anti-Israel Democrat House Representatives Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are actually trying to fracture this slavish relationship between the two countries.

Congress Needs More Members In The Squad But That Isn't The Only Way To Make A Valuable Contribution: Katie Porter

The headline yesterday, Katie Porter isn't part of 'The Squad.' But the freshman House Democrat is stirring up trouble for Trump, was... meh. True, Katie Porter isn't part of The Squad. And true, Katie is "stirring up trouble for Trump." But... there's a lot more to it. Each member of The Squad can boast a ProgressivePunch crucial vote record of "A"-- three of them, perfect 100% scores, in fact. Katie's ProgressivePunch crucial vote score isn't as robust.

Neo-Liberals, Neo-Conservatives, Neo-Fascists, Neo-Nazis... There's A Difference?

My friend Frank-- whose dad was one of the 3 founders of the Moral Majority movement-- left evangelical Christianity many years ago... loudly. Yesterday, je sent me this video from Italy, where he's on vacation. He sure doesn't like fascists! "Be warned, America," he said, "when you elect a Nazi German to represent your country, who then calls other people "foreigners," when he is a foreigner-- because it is not an American idea to put children in cages...

Just What Is An American?

Submitted by Rahul D. Manchanda, Esq…
The greatest mistake any leader, or moneyed powerful individual, or even masses of people (all 3 of which tend to have the loudest voices) is to culturally appropriate unto themselves, just exactly what it means to be an American, based on their own selfish notion of what it means.
The fact remains that the ideal of Americanism is a concept – a truly growing, organic, ever changing, and ever expanding idea that is enshrined within its founding documents and laws.

‘4 horsewomen of the apocalypse’: Trump renews attack on ‘Dem Squad’

Via RT…

US President Donald Trump has tweeted out comments made by a Republican senator who branded the ‘squad’ of four freshman Democratic congresswomen who accused him of racism as “the four horsewomen of the apocalypse.”
In a fresh early-morning Tweetstorm, Trump posted verbatim Louisiana Senator John Kennedy’s comments blasting the women as “whack jobs” who are “destroying the Democratic Party.”