Spy TV

The FBI thought the TV show The Untouchables inspired Criminals

The Untouchables TV series (1959-63) was the first of its kind – a police procedural with explicit violence and action.  Up until then most detective stories focused on the investigation, but The Untouchables featured the gunfights and car chases that became staples of the genre by the 1970s.  It was also subject to investigation by […](Read more...)

Salisbury, Skripals & Syrian Airstrikes – Tom Secker on Media Roots

I recently joined Robbie Martin of Media Roots to discussion the Salisbury poisoning, the Skripals, the Syrian airstrikes and the general state of politics and Russophobia.  We covered many of the reasons to be sceptical of the official story about the poisoning of the Skripals, how this relates to the situation in Syria, and a […](Read more...)

Subscriber Podcast #18 – How Pop Culture Predictively Programmed a Poisoning

In this month’s subscriber-only podcast I take a look at three TV series which predicted or reinforced various aspects of the official story of the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal.  I examine Salvation, Homeland and Strike Back have featured dialogue and storylines about Litvinenko, Russian assassination of former spies, Novichok and more.

ClandesTime Special – Conspiracy Theories: The Salisbury Poisoning

On March 4th Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were poisoned in the sleepy British city of Salisbury, by forces currently unknown. The British government immediately blamed Russian intelligence, leading to weeks of accusations and counter-accusations, diplomatic expulsions and lots of conspiracy theories about who really did this, and why.

Homeland Season 7 Episode 1 – Tom Secker on PPR

Continuing our long-running commentary, Pearse invited me back onto Porkins Policy Radio to talk about the first episode of the new season of Homeland.  For the first time in several seasons Homeland maintained the storyline from the previous season rather than rebooting the show’s storyline and characters.  This of course means that President Keane and […](Read more...)

ClandesTime 128 – The FBI in Hollywood

Of all the US intelligence agencies, the FBI has the longest-running relationship with Hollywood. From spying on A-listers as to helping blacklist screenwriters, through to manipulating scripts for PR and propaganda purposes, the Bureau’s influence on Tinseltown is very broad. Using documents from throughout the FBI’s history, today we’re going to look at this relationship and ask: whatever happened about that Sony hack?(Read more...)