
And you thought “Road Warrior” was dystopian. How about Australia now? [Video]

Remember this classic scene? Or this spinoff scene (complete with good music)? It would be really great if such dystopian scenes were strictly the province of movies and books, but it isn’t. In fact, in Australia we are actually seeing a real dystopian scenario of utter COVID-19 hysteria. The Great Southern Land is now one […]

The Truth About CV-I9

Everything here is contained in mainstream media reports. Today I give a summarized analysis of yesterday’s stream with a few minor updates. Since YT attention spans are actually 20 mins or less, I thought a boil down would be appropriate. I cover the techno roll out, UBI, red flags and b.o. issues, the white papers and the centralization in COG. The full analysis is here.

Diarrhea-Inducing Parasite in Public Pools: How to Protect Yourself

People pee in swimming pools – that probably doesn’t come as a shock to you. You tuck it in the back of your mind when you go swimming; but you when you accidentally swallow a mouthful of pool water, you know you’re getting more than H2O and chlorine. Well, there’s another threat lurking in public swimming pools. It’s a diarrhea-inducing parasite called cryptosporidium, and federal officials said back in May that cases of the bug are on the rise.
Source: CDC

Could Yellow Fever be the U.S.’s Next Zika?

The yellow fever outbreak currently sweeping the jungles of Brazil could be the next Zika virus in the United States, health officials say. The Latin American country has seen an increase in the disease over the past few weeks in some of its rural areas. [1]
Health officials with the Pan American Health Organization have confirmed 371 cases of yellow fever, including 241 deaths. The group is investigating hundreds of other potential cases.

Researchers can Prevent Outbreaks by ‘Vaccinating Fewer People’

It seems like every time you turn on your TV, there is a vaccine ad promising to protect you from everything from HPV to shingles, to pneumonia to the flu. Vaccine controversy as a whole aside, I’m here to report how some scientists at the University of Aberdeen say they have come up with a mathematical method to prevent epidemics which actually involves vaccinating fewer people. [1]

Genes for Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Are Found in Beijing Smog

Public health experts have warned that antibiotic resistance could claim 10 million people each year by 2050. In early December 2016, researchers said they had discovered that livestock had become resistant to a class of antibiotics used only in humans. Now scientists have found the genes that make bacteria resistant to antibiotics in polluted air in Beijing, China. [1]

Could a Tropical Weather System Help Spread the Zika Virus?

A tropical wave in the Caribbean appeared to be morphing into a tropical storm this week, with the potential to slam into Florida. The chance of it turning into a storm or a hurricane has largely subsided, but the year’s hurricane season has only just begun, and many Floridians fear such tropical weather could help spread the Zika virus. [1]
When it comes to the impact of tropical weather on the spread of Zika, there are 2 main concerns: standing water, and high winds.